Hamilton Stuart Street Yard

7104 & 7106...what the heck are those things? I know they're diesels...duh...but seriously, what are they? You wacky Canadians and your crazy MLW!

They're know as "Sweeps" - a combination of a Geep and an SW1200RS. In the photo below, the second loco is an unmodified SW1200RS, which was basically a SW1200 with Flexicoil trucks and a larger fuel tank. They were originally used as Road Switchers, hence the RS designation.

Speaking of paint schemes, wouldn't it be nice for CN to do some heritage paint jobs (think green & gold ;)) like some US roads have done? :)


In my opinion, about the only units around that would look good in the green and gold would be geeps or unmodified SWs - the angular and boxy body-styles of most newer models are ill-suited to the swooping curves of the old CNR scheme, or almost any other older paint schemes, which generally relied as much on the shape of the loco as on the colours for their impact.
On the other hand, the "sergeant stripe" scheme would suit almost any current-day freight unit, although it would be difficult to apply. Most of the so-called "heritage" schemes remind me of poorly-done Hot Wheels cars. ;)

Isn't the point of most heritage schemes, from RR management's perspective, to be able to get a few pennies per loco and car from Athearn, Atlas, et al?

hello everyone---Grumbeast,welcome back and thanks for taking an interest in this thread---some interesting comments on Heritage schemes---I don't know if the old colours would look good on the modern diesels,but I can show you how they looked on the first generation diesels when they arrived on the Canadian National






here's some switchers




Personally,I really like the older paint scheme---Thanks again for all your feedback
BTW,Jacques I did not work for the CN---i guess I was a lot more daring when I was younger as I never thought I could get into trouble taking pictures on CN property---things certainly have changed though,I'm sure the railroad cops would never allow this to happen nowadays---enjoy,Nutbar
Isn't the point of most heritage schemes, from RR management's perspective, to be able to get a few pennies per loco and car from Athearn, Atlas, et al?


At the risk of turning this into a debate, the heritage schemes seem mostly to be either a public relations move, or a move to protect copyrighted images, or both. The revenue from licensing is minimal when compared with the rest of the various companies' income from their regular business (i.e. railroading). The rationale behind the licensing is (as above) to protect copyright/intellectual property.

Nonetheless, I think that the pre-noodle CN scheme would look good - either the black with gold bar (as seen on the switchers) or the green and gold. CNR also has a myriad of lines to draw on, including Canadian Northern, Intercolonial, Canadian Gov't Rys, Grand Trunk, and others. CPR also has a wide range of lines it absorbed.

Ah the good old ( N scale ) scheme paints . Better than a CPR Pac Man.
I still like the CN zerbra stripes ( that's one of the reason why I model CNR ).
Great Sweeps picts, ( a kitbasher dream ) . Do you hear Hobbycraft Canada !
