Greetings from Mexico City


New Member
Oct 27, 2014
Hello friends I am new to the forum and as I've already seen some files that I liked the problem is I can not download hope you can help me

Hello and welcome to Zealot.

I see (by your avatar) that you are into Star Wars. We have many members who are into Star Wars (and SCI-FI as a whole. Myself included). So I hope that you will feel at home here.

Please make yourself familiar with the rules & polices. They will explain everything.
As for downloading anything, You have have an active account for a minimum of FOUR (4) weeks and have made a minimum of TEN (10) SUBSTANTIAL posts.

If you have any questions, comments, concerns, need help or advice, please feel free to ask and we will do what we can to help you (or at least point you in the right direction).

Once again welcome aboard. I hope you enjoy yourself here.
Welcome, new apprentice. I see the Force is strong in you. :hide:

I take it your "handle" or screen name is from the game "Force Unleashed"?

I'm also into sci-fi, mainly Star Wars & Trek, but also enjoy the other "big guns" in the genre. Funny enough, (I'll probably get stoned for this... ;)) Not so much BSG. :sorry:

Again, wellcome & have fun!
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LOL, you're welcome. I enjoyed force unleashed 2 more than 1. The Fury/Rage feature is too cool for words!

I also enjoyed the Jedi Knight series, those gelled quite well with the original trilogy with regards to force powers, etc. (again, 2 was better than 1 ;))
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Welcome to the forum. You will be able to download models once you have fulfilled the forum's requirements, the real fun from this forum is posting build pics and the friends you make, so don't download and run away, the models themselves are the least part of the forum. :)
Hi Starkiller, I can say that I've only downloaded a few models since I was given access :) As Zathros said, the fun is when you post build threads (don't worry if someone has done it before, that person may have some tips ;)) and get to know people from their messages.

You also get to see through & discuss cultural differences, e.g.: Rhaven Blaack had no idea who Asterix was, as he is mainly an European character. :)
Hi Starkiller! Welcome aboard. You'll find at home in a little time: this place is fantastic and full of kind people waiting to help you anytime you need it.

As for the building thread there is a forum section specific for them (model build categories) find the one that best suit your work and post there. We'll all be here waiting for your contribution.