getting back at it


Jan 13, 2002
zeeland michigan
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well guys long time no posts and no new work on the layout it has been hard here with my son me and my wife found out last year that he has a very rare gentic brain dissorder and would not see his 10th b-day he just turned one back in nov and me and wife been out of town with him seeing doctors and i had no time to even do one new thing on my layout last night was the frist hour or two i had to do somthing and all i did was clean track and pull off all 300 + cars i have to dust them off after over 3 months of nothing i need to get back at it i been thinking on adding a new part on to it for a steel mill but it's just on paper now. but some day it will be a new part. well off to read the posts to try to get up to date on them wish me luck
Glad to hear from you again sorry to hear about your little one. We'll be remembering him in our thoughts & prayers.
Hey, if you only got to spend a couple of hours cleaning track, & dusting off some cars, that was a coupler of hours well spent. I'm sure it took your mind off some of the stresses you've been going through, for at least a short while, & that's one of the many great things about this hobby.
Keep us posted on how things are going.
think you for your thoughts and i am glad i have a hobby to take my mind off things like this and yes stumper they have came a long way in meds to day my boy has been chosen for a brain surgy some time this year. and ten years ago a child with this dissorder would have nothing and little hope. but now their is hope for these kids. for who wants to know my boy has what is called canavan's disease it is a rare gentic brain dissorder more info on what my boy has he is on here some where his name is keegen but on a good note i got a train up and running last night and started to fill the yard back up. my dad came by last night and helped me clean all the cars i have and to give me what he picked up down south at a train show a nother 150 + cars and about 35 locos.. well off to the train room to get back to work and get the rest of my layout back how it was ...
speaking as a dad of a five year old, whom I love more than life itself, I can honestly say I feel your pain regarding your son. I teared up as I read your post.

Please accept my pledge of support and hope for the miracle that will keep you all together well beyond his 10th.
Hi scoobyloven
So sorry to hear about your little one, do hope the docs can help, my prayers are with you.

Glad you can do something on the railroad to at least keep your mind clear.


Scoob, I was saddened to learn about your son's illness. I am glad you shared it with us, so we may pray for a miracle. Keep the hopes up and keep on railroadin' . Your modelin' can be a great creative outlet for your whole family. Glad you're back.

PS thanks for the link. I encourage everyone to go there and click on Canavan Disease for a short description in laymans terms. Then we know what our friend is up against and what specifically to pray for.
Oh, Mann, Scooby - Fittin' a couple more good people into my prayers will be no problem!!

I have a friend who's 7 Yr old son, has MD. Please keep us informed - not because we are "newsy" but because Talking about it Always Helps (or so he says)!!!!! And yes we are interested!!

May God Look out for you & yours!!

~~ Mikey
Wow, tough news. You have my empathy.

I've lost people very close to me very unexpectedly and at a young age - left me with a lot of "whish I would have"-s.

I'm sure you'll take full advantage of the limited time you have with your son and probably pack more into those years than a lot of fathers choose to do in an entire lifetime.

God Bless You (or who ever or what ever your higher power is).
Scoob--thanks for sharing with us.... I'll be praying for you and your family. Almost know how you feel. Six months ago, my 4 yr. old son was diagnosed with ASD (Atrial Septal Defect) It's a hole in his heart between the two upper chambers and causes the red and white cells to mix. Not a visible problem now but it will become a big problem as he gets older. Looks like open heart surgery sometime this year to attempt to plug the hole.
Very scary stuff we face and wish it could be us instead of them. Gotta work on the "ray-road" (As my son says) to keep the worrying down to a low level...
Let us know how things progress for you.

Matt--Hershey, Pa.