ezdays it works:)

jim currie

Active Member
Jun 29, 2003
Visit site
announce1 Don this pic started out as over 1meg program works like a charm :D thanks again:wave: by the way its a close shot of a railgrinder car.


  • rail grinder.jpg
    rail grinder.jpg
    58 KB · Views: 71
??? what works??? Lots of confusion here on the righthand side of the Atlantic!
Shortliner(Jack)away up here in the Highlands
shortliner said:
??? what works??? Lots of confusion here on the righthand side of the Atlantic!
Shortliner(Jack)away up here in the Highlands
The fact that Jim has posted a picture is proof enough that it works. What's "it" you ask? Well, a photo program that I gave him yesterday, that he didn't have the bandwidth to download, that's all. :D

Jim, that's great, now you can get back to the task at hand, posting pics of your challenge progress.:thumb: :thumb:
Hey Don,how about sharing with us folk that don't live in Arizona?<did I spell that right?
Yeah, sure, but it's a 20 meg download and Jim has dial-up. Jim had problems because the program that came with his camera wouldn't resize the pics so they could be viewed here and still maintain their quality.

I've mentioned it here before to some people that have had a hard time uploading; the program is PhotoPlus. Version 6 is free to download. More recent older versions cost very little (like $5 or $10 and a few bucks shipping), but if all you need to do is to crop, resize and set the file size, this works fine. It also gives you the ability to touch-up and do other things to your pictures. The current version is 10, I use version 9. You can download it from the Serif "free software" website here. They have excellent software and many of their older versions of other programs are free, no trial, they just hope you like things enough to buy the latest version, but they don't nag you either.

My connection to the company is this, I've used their products for probably the last 15 years, and have been a beta tester for new releases for the last 7 or so years and get the lastest releases if I am conscientious.:rolleyes:

If anyone does download it and needs help, I'll try my best.:wave: