East bound train crushs West bound train


Nov 23, 2004
Shreveport, LA.
Well, as of now I'm a bit highly upset about a wreck this afternoon involving one of my BNSF Dash 9's and several cars that are completely trashed. All of the details on my Atlas 60' auto parts car including the flasher unit have been completely smashed to bits along with a matching 60' GT box car that had the body broke almost in half at the doors also with all detail parts broke and coupler pocket screws striped out making this car nothing more than a wrecked paper weight. An Athearn 60' flat that I just got threw stripping the paint off of and just added all new detail parts to was a victim of the wreck but wasn't hurt as bad along with a couple other cars that had some deep scratches put in them.

As for the locomotive, it hit the floor dead on the rear end completely "dislodging" the motor and drive train from the frame. It has serious mechanical problems as well as cosmetic. The hand rails are all mangled up. 2 MU hose's are gone and one badly mangled and the main airline hose is gone. The back pilot walking plate is cracked but not fully broken off. Drivers side has a bent step but the other side they are almost completely gone with other cracks in the pilot and no holes for the hand rails and both rear truck frames were broken off along with a badly bent coupler. the shell snap mounts are broke off and the radiator grill popped out and one corner where it goes is all crunched in.

As for the front the snow plow was hanging half way off with a missing MU hose with one hole missing for the front hand rail with a few scratches in the cab and one of the cab mounted handrails is missing along with the cab hood details (which I have been unable to find).

All this occurred when I threw a switch while the train was making it's run and was unaware of an on coming UP push-pull 80 car coal train that nobody told me anything about that was pulled out of a yard. They collided head on at the switch ripping the points right off the ties doing about the same speeds around 60-65MPH scale speed throwing my whole train off to the floor and sent the coal train off in the other direction crashing into several buildings cars and trucks removing them from their resting places derailing 54 of it's cars in a domino effect. The only reason my entire train went to the floor is because about half of it was equipted with the new #118 shelf couplers which held it together as it went over. Luckily the control for the #2 inside track was in front of me because the passenger train come barreling up doing about 85MPH and that would have been nasty being those locomotives cost around $300.00 each custom made with sound lights and you name it with there being 4 of them in a A-B-B-A arrangement pulling 30 heavy weight cars.

That would have been an expensive wreck. No damage was caused to the coal train except a couple broke off MU hose's and a scratch in the snow plow. An estimated cost of close to $400.00 in damage after including all the detail parts and new motor that was bought for the dash 9 along with buildings vehicles track and high detailed cars with custom made items installed. That accident just bankrupted my railroad because I only own 4 decent locomotives that has had custom work and made items on them. That's what happens when someone takes off for a coffee break while trying to get their train out on the main.

To bad I didn't have a camera with me. That's by far the worst wreck I've seen in my years of model railroading. It was fun to see knowing no one was really hurt but the cost of damage to my trains is making me weep.

Now I have a question. I have tried to salvage as much as I could from the wreckage and got all the trucks. How ever I did find most of the rollering bearing truck bearing caps except for 3 of them. Does anyone have 3 spare's for the Kato trucks I can have? I will gladly pay $.25 per cap plus postage.

Well, we can tell you more after the NTSB completes its investigation! :)

Sorry to hear about the crash. From the description, it sounds like something that would make Gomez Addams cringe!

Wow, now that was a train wreck for you. At least I am not the only one. Years ago I learned that it is good to have a deep piled carpet on the floor and that has saved me some damageover the years. Your wreck must have been spectacular KCS.
Well, I don't know if they can be fixed because I can do the minor stuff like putting stuff back on but as far as the whole pilot, I know nothing about how to fix it. I don't know where I can go to have it fixed either because the guy who owned the only railroad shop in town died a few months back shuting down the shop. He didn't do any custom repairs anyway. Only thing I can think of is risk what litte cash I have left and have it mailed to Dallas, TX. where my main dealer lives. He's also a guy in our club so aybe he can do something with it without having to put a new shell on it.
KCS says:As for the locomotive, it hit the floor dead on the rear end completely "dislodging" the motor and drive train from the frame. It has serious mechanical problems as well as cosmetic. The hand rails are all mangled up. 2 MU hose's are gone and one badly mangled and the main airline hose is gone. The back pilot walking plate is cracked but not fully broken off. Drivers side has a bent step but the other side they are almost completely gone with other cracks in the pilot and no holes for the hand rails and both rear truck frames were broken off along with a badly bent coupler. the shell snap mounts are broke off and the radiator grill popped out and one corner where it goes is all crunched in.

As for the front the snow plow was hanging half way off with a missing MU hose with one hole missing for the front hand rail with a few scratches in the cab and one of the cab mounted handrails is missing along with the cab hood details (which I have been unable to find).
KCS,All to sadly that body is toast.. :( Best bet would be to buy a new body or use engine.Check e -bay for a better deal. :thumb:
Well I'm thinking instead of spending more money on it to just build a wreck site on my furture layout and just make it look like a real train wreck and add some of my cranes to it. Now if I can find some HO scale "caution" tape or find a way to make it so I can tie it to the front of the locomotive buried in the dirt and tie it to a few other things around the wreckage with EMS units and camera crews around. Maybe add a wrecked semi to it just for a reason for the train to be wrecked with a bunch of ripped up track. Just an idea.
I found a website with some good pictures of wrecked CSX trains that I can use to model from but I don't care for the site to much. www.CSX-Sucks.com I've been delayed on working on the wrecked train project do to family issues but will get started back on it tomorrow. I'll try and have some step-by-step process pictures like I posted before. I haven't gotten very far so you haven't missed anything.
Thanx IC&E. I was looking at the pictures of wrecked trains on CSX-Sucks.com. Although this is a BNSF locomotive. It isn't damaged as bad as the one's shown but I'm trying to figure out how I can modify the cab to look wrecked. I've got the powerplant door's covered. I really haven't had much time to work on the project and only got 3 door's cut out but now I'm at a stand still because I don't have all the tool's I need and I just ran out of money purchasing a KCS AC4400 dummy brand new still in the box off Ebay.

However I have stripped the BNSF locomotive down. I took out the motor, light kit's, gear's, worm's and metal wheels which will go into the KCS unit once it arrives. I'm not going to fully assemble that unit until I get all the detail parts for it because I was able to get my hands on a plastic set of scale hand rails that match the prototype. I'm just going to throw the Athearn metal hand rails in the junk box. I'm not even going to put Kadee's on it.

I'm going to put a set of Sergent Engineering couplers on it. I have a feeling this new locomotive will have more wire in it than you can shake a stick at because I'm going to super, SUPER detail it. I'm going to bore out the castings where any light's go and use fiber optics to light everything, from the porch step lights, to the red digital fuel read out gauge's on the tanks as well as the control stand inside the cab that can normally see from the road at night that says something along to lines of "loco #1 operational loco#2 slave" I don't remember what they say but it won't matter because it'll just be a tiny red line on the top of the stand.

It's also going to get a Details West AC4400 detailing package appropriate for the KCS road along with additional fuel tank over flow pipes and EOTD bracket for mounting on the fuel tank rather than having the FRED on the deck where it can fall off or crew member could trip over it. Along with spare knuckle brackets, brass train line/MU hose's, AC traction motor lines, lifting lugs, diamond plate walk ways, and the steps will be cut off and replaced with an A-Line photo etched steps.

I'm going to give this thing the whole nine yards including custom paint like the black and yellow stripped side grabs near each set of steps. As for the BNSF, I'll have to wait until I can get the tool's I need because I don't have any files and I'm slap out of razor blade's and cement. Buying this new loco to add to my roster broke the bank and is going to cause me to go temporarily bankrupt until I find another job which I don't see happening anytime soon because work is scarce around here now.

One thing I'm not sure about is weather KCS AC4400's have the GE Steerable Truck or the original truck style. If they use the original style truck then I'm going to have to look for a set of super detail side frames that fit because the Athearn side frames are to plain and for what I'm trying to do would throw the look completely off. I just made a big mile stone in model railroading, going from running Athearn locomotives right out of the box with a couple added to details to full down jaw dropping, award winning detail.

Now if I can find a set of grab irons that go on the cab, nose, and rear end. For these part's I want to use plastic because they have rivet detail rather than brass that is just bent wire. The KCS project will be photographed from every step including when it arrives in the unopened USPS shipping package to installing to motor and gears and wiring it. It's going to be a long process and I can't wait to get started but I have to do it as time and cash allow. Can't wait to see how it turn's out.

More to come on the train wreck. I'll start working on it again tomorrow.
Well, I tried taking pictures today but not a one of them turned out. I tried getting detail shot's and the flash just blurred the pictures all up. Can't turn the flash off because it's an automatic thing that lights up when it's dark or doesn't light up if it's light. It's a good camera that produces great detail for pictures but the len's it self is to wide. It doesn't concentrate on the object you are trying to snap but the whole area and in front of the camera. I'm just about to the point of pulling my hair out strand by strand. I'm about ready to take that brand new camera and throw it out the front door as far as I can possibly get it to go.
OK after my last post I sat down and pondered on it a while. I finally got some pictures that are much, much better than any of the other ones but still arn't very good. This is my work in progress. The locomotive and all it's inner working. The flat car has been stripped of it's UP yellow paint and all the hole's have been drilled for grab irons, cut lever's, and brake lines. I also done away with the Athearn trucks that came with it and added Kato roller bearing trucks with Kadee #118 SF shelf couplers. Below that is the motor for the locomotive that was replaced when the last one started slinging solder. This one has a little under two hours run time and will be going in the new KCS unit along with the drive train and gears. The last is a EOT I built from scratch that was in the UP 60' box car with I have removed.


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Here are the trucks after I removed the gears and wheels. The plastic wheels from the KCS unit will go back into these trucks. The metal one's will go into the new unit. On the frame is the Cummins 16 cyl. diesel engine that will be glued to the frame. However the frame is slightly bent. The rest of this set are pictures of the damaged shell which it's hard to tell but it's a lot worse than it seem's in the pictures.


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More pictures of the damaged shell. The second one is showing where I started cutting the power plant doors out Some other thing's will be done to it like cutting out some of the hatch's and bending them up but all I can do for now is cut them out because I don't have a file. That's two on that side and one has been cut out on the other side. They will be randomly cut out. At the bottom "was" a Athearn 4 bay center flow hopper for the United Carbon Company. It hit the floor so hard that end walls broke loose. The ladders are crunched in from where the car was right behind my foot on the concrete floor after I felt it hit my leg. I turned around and CRUNCH! Look's real now doesn't it! :D


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Another shot of the UCC hopper. The GT 60' box car I believe came out with the best weathering job but still need's a couple touch ups. The UP 60' box car is the one the EOT light kit came out of. That car has served many hours and miles of service. I guess it told me it was time to retire. It is also equipped with Kadee #118 shelf couplers.


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More pictures of a bad weathering job on the UP 60' footer. The KCS gondola, my favorite car of this bunch has been completely destroyed. It was directly behind the locomotive and because the train did the domino effect starting at the locomotive to the third car is was the first to leave on it's trip down and right behind it was the locomotive that was pushed off by the other train. When the gondola hit it, landed on it's side and a split second later the engine plowed into it rear end first causing that big chunk to break off. This is what really made me mad because I've only been able to find this one gondola with KCS lettering and actual road number. You may think why not just buy another and decal it? Ha. If you think my weathering is bad you don't want me doing decals. I've tried it many times and I just don't have the "what it takes" to do it. They come out looking bad so I gave up on it.


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These are pictures of a ACFX 60' 4 bay center flow hopper. It and the flat car survived the wreck with the least damage. The hopper came out with no more than all 4 stirrups broken off and a couple spots where the hand rails where split into but still on the car and missing bearing caps for the Kato trucks that have been installed on it about 2 months ago. The flat car has no damage to it at all. The hopper is also equipped with the Kadee #118's. I tell ya what. I highly recommend these #118's for passenger trains and those who have trouble keeping them together. These thing's got put to the full test. They WORK! They work so well, well look at my train. Without them it would have been just the locomotive and first car but it took the whole train. The ACFX hopper, flat car, and UP box stayed coupled all the way to the floor. The hopper broke loose from the GT box car just over the edge of the layout where it was a #118 coupled to a #5.


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