Dumb Idea #461

Yeah, but I figure it this way: "Glasgow" is Scottish, so most people with that name would probably be living in Europe, North America and Australia. The total population of all three continents is around 830 million. "Rory" is an Irish name, and "Llyn" is Welsh (it means "lake"). If colloquial naming rules apply in Great Britain and Ireland (i.e., most people are given "local" names), then it is probably unlikely that all three names have been put together. "Llyn" is virtually unknown in the U.S., from my experience. And "Rory" is fairly rare. So I think that it is even less likely that the combination has been used over here.

I know that it's not all-inclusive, but I periodically do searches on my name try and find another "Rory Glasgow," but so far every person by that name that has shown up on a web search has been...me! :D

Now, to keep this post on-topic... Have you seen that article in MRP 2001 by Dick Roberts that describes the elevator? He suggests a multi-level staging system...

Hmmm... The article I saw was in late 2000 to early 2001. It was horizontal, BUT it wasn't 'cassette' it was more of a modified Switching Table (I think that's the name).
It was in HO size. Sorry if I sent someone on a Goose chase (even if it could be rail related:p).
Just trying to help. Things get forgotten quick here in Retirement Land.:D ;)
Still working on my covered cassettes for display and staging. Could not locate any rectangular acrylic tubing so making my own. Here is my first prototype, only 20" long, want to make them 24".


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I will be using "Kato's" unitrack mounted on a strip of 1/2" thick MDF board. Still some kinks to work out, but it looks promising.


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Hi Tyson,

No the Stark Bros. box car is a MT that I bought off e-bay. Purchased a second one months later and lucked out, got a different number, now I have #22 and #24. Don't know if I will weather these cars or leave as "new look" for a collection item only. (I stole this tag line "I am not a train freak - I am a model railroad inventory control specialist"):D :D