Dr_Tetrode is down for a bit.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2018
Well, I have good/bad news.

Bad news is @dr_tetrode is recovering in a hospital away from the wonderful Valkyrie he was working on. I'm sure he will post updates upon his return to the workbench when his health allows...

Good news is that he seems to be recovering as best is expected. Some infections from a biopsy that was performed last week in his battle with lymphoma. Sadly, modern medicine cannot always predict what kind of infections will occur after a surgery, but we do have the technology to address most of them when they are found. In this case it seems to be working as well as can be expected in spite of a couple trips to the Emergency Room over the last week.

So, for those so inclined, please keep Dr. Tetrode in your prayers. He's always been an inspiration for me, and a large part of where my skillset as hobbyist comes from.
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Thank you very much for keeping us updated, @Sudsy . @dr_tetrode : I hope you are doing well. We all wish you a speedy recovery! Take care! :)
Thank you very much for the update. I hope that he makes a strong and speedy recovery! Both he and his family are in my thoughts and prayers!!!
Just got word today, he's heading home from the hospital! Hopefully we'll see some build updates shortly! Thank you for all the thoughts, prayers, and support!
Awesome! I hope he is getting better soon. Thank you for the update! :)
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Thank you all so much for your prayers and thoughts, during this time. I am overall, well, and the good news! is that the biopsy of the lymph node shows ZERO cancer, but, there is a long running infection of some kind that is the root of all of my issues, including the lymphoma... grrr.... But, we are chasing down that path and hope to find out what it is and begin effective treatment. Just had 4 punch biopsies in the wound that won't heal, and that hurts! Getting better though.

Scott ;-) aka dr_tetrode
I am glad to hear that the biopsies have come back negative! I hope that the doctors can figure out what is wrong and come up with a viable solution, and that you make a strong and speedy recovery!!!
Infections can be really insidious. I'm glad you are recovering, and pray for your continued recovery. :)