Do you belong to the NMRA ?

Are you an NMRA member?

  • YES

    Votes: 10 19.6%
  • NO

    Votes: 41 80.4%

  • Total voters
I am a member of the NMRA but to tell the truth, sometimes I'm not exactly sure why :). I think of it more likely giving a donation to some charity thats doing worthwhile work. I am happy that they went after the dud parent on sound decoders. They are definitely the right group to do it.
No. Finite dollars chasing infinite wants. In other words, something's gotta give.
I was a member ,off and on for a few years. It can be an expensive club to belong to when you factor in the conventions and dues. Holding an NMRA card or not really did not change the amount of enjoyment of the hobby I had. So I let my membership run out.
recently i thought about joining , but i have a teenage daughter who informed me she wants to go to college so for now her needs come first. but maybe some day i will.
I'm NOT a member but am sort of interested in joining. My reasons for not joining are:
-- I'm already a member of one model railway group and two heritage railways, so I'm telling myself that's enough (I have a tendency to want to join everything!).
-- although I have a good collection of Canadian/North American trains, my primary interest is in British trains (I think there is a British equivalent to the NMRA though ... and I believe there is also a Canadian equivalent called CARM?)
-- I'm also trying to keep costs/expenses down and am not sure how many NMRA-related events I would be able to attend.

I am not a member the main reason being I have enuf trouble getting the boss to let me off for our local meets and I have enuf other things going on that I dont need to extra hassel.
If its your cup of tea tho I see nothing wrong with it
I'm not sure what a British equivalent to NMRA would be. The outfits that came up with their "standards" isn't the same sort of club. I'm not sure if BRMSB actually exists! NEM at last is currently active.
CARM is a group of modellers that were dissatisfied with the way NMRA serviced Canada, especially at the last Toronto Convention. I've stayed with NMRA (and probably will until someone at CARM has enough initiative to talk to me about joining.) I've been in NMRA since about 1969 and keep rejoining. I'm not very active, but I support their standards efforts.

I'm a lone wolf.

I don't play well with others.

I wouldn't belong to any club that would have me as a member. :p

I appreciate their efforts at standardization, but not enough to actually give them money (except by buying their Mk IV standards gauge).
I am a member and I'e been a member since 1980.

I am in a very active division with meets and clinics.
I have been to Regional Conventions with good success.
I have been active with the National in it's websites.
There is the Achievement Program.
I have ordered things from the Library that I couldn't get elsewhere.
I make use of the HO Standards Gauge.

But I thing that the most important reason is the fact that I have been active in my division, meeting other modelers and swapping info with them.
I am a member and we are creating our own division. We are about four hours away from the Wasatch Division so whenever someone wanted to do anything in the achievement program had to wait for a judge to drive down here so that didn't happen very often. Our application has been approved by the Region, now we are just waiting to have half of the NMRA members in our coverage area approve it (which should happen this week since over 75% of the NMRA members in the area are in our club) Also even though they are in a different region, we are interacting with the Las Vegas Division and are having a meetup next month so things are starting to get moving. Now if only we had a place to build a layout :)