D77-TC Pelican dropship (from Halo:CE)


New Member
Dec 6, 2010
Eger, Hungary
Hi everyone!

here is the first pictures of my current project.

Front section:

to be continued......
sorry for my english!
This is a really big model. Where did you get it from? Very nice! Could you post a link? :)
Thanks for the link Destyn! I thought it might have been that one. Makes it much easier to hunt down. You are doing a superb job on it. :)
Nice work. I remember when I built that a while ago I had real problems getting the segment with the cockpit on it to align with the segment with the troop bay in it, but that's probably just a reflection of how terrible I am at building paper models.

Now all you have to do is make sure it doesn't crash!
Wow, you have a great feel for building papermodels!!

Quite apologizing about your English, it's fine, besides, most of us here speak Amerriccun! :)
here is the new transport of pictures :

now only the final assembly is left (and the test flight) from the building.
To be continued.........

Ps: S. F M. E.
Destyne, if you don't see your post right away, it is because the forum software makes me approve posts with many pictures. I have no problem doing it. Just let me know (P.M.) so I can do it in a timely manner. This is a wonder and great thread!! :)
Destyn, I did not see this post. If you make a post, and it does not come up. Please send me a P.M.

Your model looks absolutely excellent!!