critique my new layout


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Mar 28, 2002
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Hi everyone, I have decided to build a new layout and I would greatly appreciate any ideas constructive or otherwise about track placement and wiring from you all. Here is the configuration I've chosen. It is DCC, HO, 20x9 and basically a dogbone with a yard and a timesaver right now. I love switching and the remaining space would be filled with kits built in the future. I'm looking forward to your comments. Thanks. Oh yeah, it's not to scale! ;)


  • rp layout 64x48.jpg
    rp layout 64x48.jpg
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Your design is somewhat similar to mine except I folded the dogbone on top of itself to lenghten the main line run. I like having layout on both sides of the room so there can be at least two scenes separated from each other. Your yard can make up trains to serve the time saver switching area.

Personally, I prefer to avoid reverse loops. You have at least one going through the yard (maybe a slew more with all the yard tracks but I'll leave that to the more electrically inclined than I!). I imagine you wanted to have a yard/ engine area lead but I'd suggest eliminating the siding that connects the two sides of the loop around the yard.

Best wishes on the planning and construction!
Reverse loop

For DCC, there is only one block that needs a reverse module and that is the top yard track, the lower track coming off the turntable. It needs to be isolated from the switch at the one end to the switch at the other end, with gaps in both crossovers. The gaps in the track that joins to the mainline should go out as far as possible, but not past the mainline switch. You may need another module for the turntable (depending on how you wire it.)
Hi Gmbrd and welcome to the gauge, that trackplan looks very much like the one I built way back some 12 years ago. It was called "Raton Snake Valley" and was HO in a 14'x11' room. You should have plenty of ops with it and also quite a long run.

Thank you all for the great input. This forum is the greatest! I usually just read it but when I post a question or problem I get super results, thanks again. Oh, and Shamus, thank you for the track plan. I was trying to figure a way to get a trestle or overpass in and you did it for me.
Okay, here's all I have left of it. Need to scan in some more later on.

Wow, may I ask how long you have been practicing model railroading?
I am amazed at how much time I spend at this. It took me a year and a half of building a layout to realize that it wasn't the configuration I wanted. Tear it down and start over. And I loved doing it! And I'm sure I'll do it again.
Thanks for the pics.