Come on back to the caboose and get a cup of coffee [or sweet ice tea] - Part VI

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Another hot one here, staying in the AC as much as possible. Got the Atlas Club car via UPS today. Very nice, a little new for the period I model but I can live with that. Here is what it looks like. I didn't take mine out of the box yet, that is a picture of the 2-rail version.


Hope everyone has a nice weekend.
Hello my caps lock button seems to be working back words:confused:

Anyone going to the Crawford county fair in Ohio the news just showed an awesome layout at the fairgrounds in Bucyrus Ohio.

Just got back home from getting dinner together got an eggplant and a yellow squash 50 cent each at farmers market, then over to Aldis for lunch meat and some other staples then to Kroger for marked down deli rotisorey chicken :driver1:and 40 bucks got me 3 quarters of a tank on an F-150 crew cab pickup:cry:

oh almost forgot I placed an order for 36 t-nuts and matching adjustable feet should be here in a week:twisted:
Jeffrey, glad you are okay! Nothing going on, just waiting for wife to get home from picking up son and mother-in-law from Amtrak station. Hope all have a great weekend and take good care of yourselves!

Sorry I did not post Friday. Busy day. Long drive back from PA. Man, my back hurts from lifting those heavy things. :eek::twisted: Rained this afternoon. Tropical event off the coast of GA/SC coming this way. Believe I'll send it Nawth and wet those Yanks. Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite. Later
Made it to the NMRA train show in Anahiem, yesterday. A few thoughts; (Show runs all weekend).
- Saw two local TV news promotion for the show in the morning. Both reported it as the "Largest Train Show in the Country" - Wrong
- Parking $10, Admission $10. Then had to walk from one end of the complex to the other to get to the show. Was probably a 15 to 20 minute walk. I don't mind so much but there was an elderly man, alone, in his 90's, that had parked in the handicapped spot, and STILL had this long walk. He was making the tiny 1/2 steps, and I would wait at a corner to make sure he was making it. At the time there was no one else in the concourse we were walking thru. Then an escalator, after I got to the ticket booth, I found a supervisor for the facilty, and suggested they should post someone in the concourse to make sure no one passes out, or falls. His response is the show didn't pay for anyone. I suggest they do something for the people that really need assistance, (I was concerned about this old guy, and knew there would certainly be others. Again, indifferance, I said he might if he could remember it, suggest something for the elderly people for future events. YEA Right! They need a lawsuit!!
Back to the Show -
- The entire area may have been equivalent to the Orange Hall, however 2/3's of it was taken up with layouts. I had NEVER seen so many layouts in one place! AND they were huge. The entire center sections were layouts and there were 2 aisles of vendors on one side and 3 on the other.
- MTH had a booth there, rather nice one. And Mike was even there. The western region sales manager recognized me, and should me some of the new features on a G scale Triplex that was on display. When the whistle blew, smoke came out of the WHISTLE! Now that was cool! Sounds like they are working on having it come from the pistons as well in the near future. They had all scales on display and running.
- There were 4 booths total that had O gauge engines/cars available, either 2 or 3 rail. Lots and Lots of scenery, modeling stuff for HO, and N scales.
- Saw one booth that had a shelving unit that was affixed to the front edge of a layout. The unit was actually an elevator!! The shelving unit was at rest providing for a empty track on the top shelf which was integral to the track plan. Leaving shelves of trains in front of the layout down to almost the floor. Then, the unit was activated and it would rise vertically and the desired shelf would align, and the train driven off. What was being demonstrated was Z scale of course, but they had pricing plans for everything up to O scale. (4 foot long, $389). I asked about the weight limit, and it could handle a maximum of 44 to 46 lbs.. For O scale a maximum of 5 shelves. Let's see, Big Boy engine, Cab Forward engine,.........whoops that's it for the weight.
Took me 2.5 hours for the show, I ended up with a Cababaoose, Blinking Billboard, some cows, and tombstones all O scale. And a 11 deg Ross turnout, which I had made previous arrangements to pick-up.
Overall, I enjoyed it!! Some new ideas from the other gauges, and lots of fun watching the kids, and their reactions. Enjoyable afternoon. Worth the $20, but probably more for watching the other attendees than anything.
:wave:Hay its saturday everyone enjoying the weekend?

Went to Sutherlands and checked prices on 4x8 sheets of plywood and particle board.

will be getting 7/16ths particle board for layout top for $6.97 a sheet.
Where's Jeff today? I got a mailing envelope at Walmart, so I'll get that HO locomotive in the mail soon.

X-Files movie looks pretty good, but I want to see Batman first!

CSX - hows that diet going, maintaining? I was wondering how particle board will hold up over time - are you worried about sagging? Did you check out OSB panels? They build entire houses out of this stuff, but you have to find out how to lay it for maximum strength.

Had some fish and chips for dinner with lemonade and strawberries - yummy!
hi all, this is ozzy, i guess im locked out of my other user name so i had to make a new email, addy and new user name. things are going good, still got the cancer on the run.
brutus, i got to see the new Rambo a few weeks ago, man they did not spare the fake blood making this one, i think its more bloodier then all the first 3 put together.
Where's Jeff today? I got a mailing envelope at Walmart, so I'll get that HO locomotive in the mail soon.
I'm here. We've been having internet problems. It's taking 5 minutes to get a simple three line reply posted, longer if there's a photo. Suddenlink tried to tell me it's my system. If that's the case then four other systems on this loop have the same identical problem. I don't see that happening. I ran a trace this morning that identified Suddenlink's server as the culprit. It had a response time of 76ns or longer, should be be 20ns at the max, much lower for normal operation.

Now I'll take a walk while this is being posted. Should be done when I get back.
ok , question!?! i always see a Norfolk and western J class 4-8-4 steamer in sets pulling passenger cars. was they ever known to pull freight cars? i know the last 3 of these engines ever made was in 1950 , long after most RR went to diesel engines. would live stock cars look good/ fit in behind this engine?
Good morning.

It's a pleasant 77 degrees and clear. Too bad it won't stay that way. The high is expected to be in the mid 90's and it should be partly cloudy with a slim chance of showers. I really wouldn't mind some rain.

Hopefully my internet service stays up today and won't do a repeat of yesterday, when email was slower than snail mail. If I get around to it I'll be doing some general scenery work today, just whatever needs to be done.

Today's Weather for:
Sundown, LA 71446-6114 7/20/2008

Heat Index: 82°F
Humidity: 84%
Dew Point: 72°F

So Far Today
High: 78°F
Low: 76°F
Rain: 0.00"
Rain Rate: 0.00"/h
Gust: 3mph NNE

Today High: 98 Partly sunny with a 20 percent chance of showers and thunderstorms. Highs in the upper 90s. Light and variable winds.

Tonight Low: 72 Partly cloudy. Lows in the lower 70s. Light and variable winds.

CSX - hows that diet going, maintaining? I was wondering how particle board will hold up over time - are you worried about sagging? Did you check out OSB panels? They build entire houses out of this stuff, but you have to find out how to lay it for maximum strength.

Last time I checked I was 247 pounds:thumb: had 2 hotdogs for dinner the other night
too much sodium in them . got tomatoes on the vine and a few sweet peppers as well.
CONCI the place I but my optifast from is suppose to interview me for a background story and testimonial about the diet plan.

Tired and hot just mowed my front and back yard today.

the board should not warp or sag as their is cross braces close to 24" apart will send parents to sutherland next tuesday as they get a golden buckeye discount of 10 %
Ozzy - I'm pretty sure that J class locomotives were used for freight. I agree on Rambo -- My wife loved the first 3 Rambo movies, but couldn't watch this one, too gorey!

CSX - sounds like a good plan, can't wait to see pics of your table all together! Those were some nice pics, Jeffrey. Glad you are back online again.
Afternoon. Tought SS class this AM. Back from there ans helped wife spray some Roundup on grass in rose bed. So hot and muggy had to come in and wash shirt I was wearing [soaked]. Now to cook bacon for BLT's. May go to FIL's to pick blue berries [he has acres and they are full]. Later
Good Afternoon All. Well so far today it is a nice day. Been busy for the past week. Thursday got some bad news that my grandfather passed away a little after 9 that morning. Been busy getting things ready for his viewings and funeral this weekend. Other than that everything else is ok. Hope everyone is having a great weekend. Stay Safe Out There.
I was going to get together everything I needed to do up a model of the abandoned baggage car in Leesville. One big problem. I don't have a smooth-side baggage car. The smooth-side car I have in a junk box turned out to be a RPO. Guess I'll have to see what I can find at the LHS the next time I go to Alexandria.
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