Come on back to the caboose and get a cup of coffee [or sweet ice tea] Part III

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Have RT and Ozzy been offline a couple days now??? Hope all is well?
Watch out Chief, I think something is up in Snohio?
Sir James, thanks for all those jokes! had some leftovers for dinner. Son finished science project, except he needs to glue everything on his board - of course it's due Monday and he's had a month to do it....wall1
Nothing going on here - got a sinus headache, finally got back on computer, etc. I did get to work 6 hours OT today, so that will make next paycheck nicer - also wife got a nice little raise so wants to go to mall. Couldn't go today, since son has this project (should have been done weeks ago), but might tomorrow. There is a board game based on Railroad Tycoon I want to look at again, it looked great from the box and I read a review online that made it sound really good too.
Evening All,
Brutus glad you like them I'm sure you passed them on.Still have more we will go at it again. I lost some of my favorites as the file filled and didn't tell me so it was deleteing old to add the new. had I known I would have moved some to another file. Good nite All,,,,Sir James
i have been hanging out , just have not posted here much. a lot of the snow had melted here yesterday, was warm, thought about getting the bike out . but i did not do it.
Morning all. Slept late. Too late for Early Church. Probably catch Church on TV. Sure hope I can get some trainroom work done today. Wife messed up plans yesterday with we need to shop and then go to her co-worker friend's house warming. Food was good at the house warming though. Will not get much done until after Wed. noon as meetings and etc Monday thru Wed. morning. wall1 Chat later. Time for ham biscuits and GRITS. :thumb:
Good Morning All from NE Ohio.
Where the temp is 46 and headed to 51 and by Tue 61 deg. We are headed to the beaches of Lake Eire for another fun day!

The layout from yesterday is owned by one of our OTTS members. It is 25 foot by 50 foot U shaped layout. One side is mostly yard. He has 99% MTH Permier, with a few Railking and one or two Lionel. He does run both DCS and TMCC. Most of his items is less than 3 years old.

The yard is two layers







Good Morning from West Texas !!! Currently 57 degrees and expecting a high this afternoon of 78. It maybe a little windy though, gusts up to 25 mph, but we're accustomed to that out here. I finally got my bench work completed for the layout yesterday. Today I plan to begin attaching foam to the top. Hope you all have a great day!!!
:thumb: Good morning,
Its 43,wet, and foggy here. snow is melting,but still has a lot to go. Leaving for a train show soon. I'm having trouble with netzero disconnects so will close for now. Sir James
Good Morning All from NE Ohio.
Where the temp is 46 and headed to 51 and by Tue 61 deg. We are headed to the beaches of Lake Eire for another fun day!

The layout from yesterday is owned by one of our OTTS members. It is 25 foot by 50 foot U shaped layout. One side is mostly yard. He has 99% MTH Permier, with a few Railking and one or two Lionel. He does run both DCS and TMCC. Most of his items is less than 3 years old.

The yard is two layers







i tell you what!!!!! i live in the wrong part of the country, there sure are not to many layouts like this in IOWA! not o scale anyway. i have to drive 60 miles to find a club with o scale. and our layout is nothing like what some of you guys show in your pics.
Engineering question?...How much does a house weigh? - -

Answer: More than a rural two lane bridge can hold.


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Tom, that layout is really great, is that Ross switches? Ozzy, I'll bet Buckeye has a few things to tell us about that bridge, LOL! Man, this would ruin your whole day! Need to call Orlando hotel and confirm my room for the training.

Any good train stores in Orlando?
Morning all. Warm here. Snow melted. Just got back from church - have two, no three classes starting this week. Glad to have them though. Long day at church as vid director - lots of techie things to work out - the bride had a big drama she cast - and ended up filling in for a role: 48 hours of intense studying. Think we'll really Sabbath the rest of the day. Really enjoyed running trains with train-dog Rudy last evening. Gave Percy a very heavy train and he did OK. On his own, he derailed on 3 of 4 curves. I think it's the track. Though I will also check his couplers. Put out one bad-order car with MPC trucks too.
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