Come on back to the caboose and get a cup of coffee [or sweet ice tea] Part I

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Good Morning All from NE Ohio
where the temp is 48 deg and headed to 60 with rain and T-storms on the way. Spring is just around the corner :D

OTTS Meeting this Friday.

NMRA Div 5 RailFest March 18 & 19, All scale Train Show. This is one of the largest shows in NE Ohio.

Hard to be that with Chief being retired, he doesn't have time for his trains ! sign1

Pic of the Day



Here is a picture of a nice Commodore. Not much in the way of scenery, but the locomotive is a gauge 1 live steamer. It started life as an Aster electiric. A friend of mine had it converted to live steam.

Good Morning All from NE Ohio
where the temp is 54 deg and headed to 59 deg with overcast skies and very windy.

OTTS meeting tonight.

Next weekend it NMRA Div 5 Railfest train meet. Lakeland Comm. Collage, Kirtland, Ohio.

We were again working on the tin plate layout at the museum yesterday. This weekend we will be painting the roads on the layout.

Tom - that is a great looking engine. Very cool to be live steam. :thumb:

Chief - get felling better

Pic of the Day

Morning all!

Beautiful day here! 70's and sunny.

Tom (Steamtom) - that's a cool loco. I would like to see a G scale live steamer some day. The good news is since I have not seen one is I am not tempted to buy one!

Spanky - that's great that Buckeye stopped by your place. Any photos of the momentous event?

Have a great one all!
Three men were sitting together, bragging about how they had given their new wives duties.

The first man had married a woman from Indiana , and bragged that he had told his wife she was going to do all the dishes and house cleaning that needed done at their house. He said that it took a couple days, but on the third day he came home to a clean house, and the dishes were all washed and put away.

The second man had married a woman from Utah . He bragged that he had given his wife orders that she was to do all the cleaning, the dishes, and the cooking. He told them that the first day he didn't see any results, but the next day it was better. By the third day, his house was clean, the dishes were done, and he had a huge dinner on the table.

The third had married an West Virginia girl. He said that he told her that her duties were to keep the house clean, dishes washed, lawn mowed, laundry washed, and hot meals on the table for every meal. He said the first day he didn't see anything, the second day he didn't see anything, but by the third day most of the swelling had gone down and he could see a little out of his left eye, just enough to fix himself a bite to eat, load the dishwasher, and telephone a landscaper.

Gotta love those mountain girls!
Roy I have a full front page of a Philidelphia news paper spread promoting Geo. McCellan for president.

It has a large etching of him.

I have it mounted.

On the back is an article about Mosby robbing the B&O of a million dollar pay roll.
Good Morning All from NE Ohio
where the temp is 39 deg and headed to 62 degs with Blue Clear Skies. :)

Roy - Buckeye took the pics, so here is hoping that he will post them.

Gil - great story. BTW - best of luck and our prayers are with you again, or should I say always. :thumb:

RailFest – NMRA Div 5 train meet. March 18 & 19. 300 tables. Largest show in NE Ohio.

Pic of the Day

Good Morning All from NE Ohio
where the temp is 57 deg and headed to 62 with overcast skies and big T-storms to the south of us and headed our way. We had one big storm come thru this morning around 3:30am.

Yesterday we even had an earthquacke, 3.0 only, but we normally don't get any here in NE Ohio.

We were working on the museum tin plate layout. It is coming right along.

RailFest – NMRA Div 5 train meet. March 18 & 19. 300 tables. Largest show in NE Ohio

Pick of the Day



Good Morning All from NE OHio
where the temp is 64 and headed to 70 with very big T-Storms on the way and then falling temps to 34 tongiht and SNOW ! What a ride we are in for today :eek:ops:

Yesterday we fitted in a switch for the siding on the museum tin plate layout. This week we will wire the switch remote control and a power switch for the siding. :thumb:

RailFest – NMRA Div 5 train meet. March 18 & 19. 300 tables. Largest show in NE Ohio

Pic of the Day


Morning all. Back home again. Do not have to go to NH this AM. Home until Friday. :D Got bad cough and infected eyes while gone. Better now. Meds fixing them up. Pollen not helping. Unlike Yankee area, we are now blooming out. High 80 today. Low last night was the same as the average hihg for this time of year. Cooler later on but nothing bad. Getting ready to raid into OHIZO Friday and visit WV. Back into OHIZO on Sunday. Have a good one and God bless.
Sorry to hear that you will not be gracing my area this week, Chief. I hope you feel better soon.

The museum's tinplate layout is really looking great, Tom. It just keeps getting better and better.

Good Morning All from NE Ohio
where the temp is 34 deg and falling to 30 degs with snow falling. Just think, 12 hours ago we werer at 65 degs. See what happens when Chief says he is planning to travel thru our Great State. :rolleyes:

Jim - Thanks, This has been a really alot of fun. I have recieve very good help from other OTTS members and have to also give them credit.

RailFest – NMRA Div 5 train meet. March 18 & 19. 300 tables. Largest show in NE Ohio.

Pic of the Day

Good Morning All from NE Ohio
where the temp is 34 deg and headed to 44 with light snow falling in some areas.

RailFest – NMRA Div 5 train meet. March 18 & 19. 300 tables. Largest show in NE Ohio.

Last night we finish wiring in a siding and switch for it on the museum tin plate layout. We also added side guards to prevent run a way trains from hitting the floor :cry:

Pic of the Day


Morning all. SNOW!!!! I'm coming that way and I don't look like a snow plow. :rolleyes: Windy and cooler here. Wifve home sick and I ahve headache [pollan I'm sure]. Stayed out working teh garden area until almost dark. Staying in today until meeting on Transportation for the region at 4 PM. Have a good one and God bless.
Good Morning All from NE Ohio
where the temp is 33 deg and headed to 45 with Blue Clear Skies and snow in the forecast for the southeast side of town.

Don't worry Chief, Buckeye and I will take very good care of you on your way thru our great state balloon6

RailFest – NMRA Div 5 train meet. March 18 & 19. 300 tables. Largest show in NE Ohio. :thumb:

We will be check the museum layout tonight for the big weekend. :thumb:

Pick of the Day

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