Come along on our tour of the Canadian Pacific Toronto yards


Active Member
Aug 21, 2002
Pickering. Ontario. Canada.
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Four of us managed to meet up for Lunch and the on to the Yards with John Dubreuil aka Dielsel John.
The first picture is of a unit we never thought we would see here.
Then the next shots John told us all about the wheels trhey have to change , how the are detected .
You will see the flat spots and wear, John explined about the flange, how they wear either high or low, and how this cause derilment of freight cars at switch frogs. :cool:


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We toured the Freight repair shop and had a good intrduction into repair and cost`s.
Each job is listed in a manuel and a set price is awarded the repair identfied by a job #

So whoever owns the freight car gets the same price at differing shops and the CP get the recipical cost else where.

Here is a tri car carrier getting door attention .
The Cost Manual.
and a spine car 6pack. :D


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A shot of lovely trains :thumb:

and into the mechanical shops ;)

8201 getting a lot of help!!!


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John gave us the "how to" with the braking systems Dynamic brakes RULE!!
so here are shots inside the cab.


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I was pleased to find 1100 still there the only Alco in the yards. Its dead :cry:

John arranged a ride to the fuel island, and my son Adam got to drive the gang down the line :D :D :D :thumb:

That`s Brian aka Duckman on the right and his brother Pete, posing


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Thank you. Those pictures were awesome. I've been to the Galveston train museum but it's just not the same as seeing the engines still in service.
Chris: looks like a fun day. Sorry I missed it, but it will take more than a day's railfanning before I can justify a pair of safety shoes. :cry:
What causes the wheel surface to peel off in layers like that? and how do they fix it?
60103 said:
Chris: looks like a fun day. Sorry I missed it, but it will take more than a day's railfanning before I can justify a pair of safety shoes. :cry:
What causes the wheel surface to peel off in layers like that? and how do they fix it?

David the peeling comes from a develped flat spot , the constant bang bang you often here on the odd freight car passing , it must thin out the surface .

CP have detectors outside the yards that tells them when a car has this problem also which car it is :eek: :eek: :cool:

All those wheels in the pictures, 360 changed this year alone, will be kept for 90 days, to prove to the owner of the freight car they came off , that it was necessary. Cause you just know He has to pay the bill :thumb: :thumb: :rolleyes:

Then they are scraped or recycled.
A great day was had by all, it apears, and so we still get to enjoy your tour throu your pix, thank guys for posting them, some lovely shots of the loco`s and the controls, hope you tour some more, and off course post more pixs...have a good one..steve
You can call Gilles St Pierre at St Luc Yard @ 514-483-7167 he should be able to assist.


That`s the word from the T/O yards.

Hope you can get a group together T/O has a maximum of 8 to tour.

Best of luck and post lots of pictures please. :thumb: