Can't find my sign!

Would y'all look at this scan and tell me what the "P" sign means???
I think I know these:
"W" - whistle post
"X" - multiple grade crossing (used under the "W")
"S" - speed limit
Double numbers - Pass./ Freight speed limits (approach)
Also I'm unsure about the angled speed limit signs. I saw one place refer to them as "high speed" signs. Is that a limited Resume Speed sign?
Could not really find a comprehensive dictionary of these signs. I found a lot of partial info
but nothing complete. If anyone sees a site that lists all these signs, let me know!:)

"sees a site" he he (groan)


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I think that some of it at least will depend on the particular railroad and/or country you are looking at. For example, many crossbucks say "railway crossing" in Canada, and different roads use different types of yard limit signs.

Do you know the origin of these signs, or are they a "generic" set?

cidchase said:
Also I'm unsure about the angled speed limit signs. I saw one place refer to them as "high speed" signs. Is that a limited Resume Speed sign?

Each road seems to have had its own ideas regarding how its signage should look. Some used angled speed limit signs. The Milwaukee Road had speed limit signs like those shown in the scan: post end cut on an angle to match the post, while the free end was cut off square.
According to, some roads used a "P" sign mounted on the mast to indicate a permissive signal.
When I saw this post, I couldn't help but think of the country comedy album series "Here's Your Sign." I was expecting that you were going to tell us about doing something stupid and then not being able to find your sign!
Andrew, this is a scan of a sheet of Blair Line HO signs. They even come with posts
to mount 'em! Not bad looking signs. I think I might use the Mountain Man's "Crew Rest Stop" suggestion!:D

Hey Russ, that sounds about right! Only thing is, ya gotta do something to be able
to do something stupid, and my layout work has been real scarce lately! I'm getting
ready for a month in Changshu (not a pleasure trip, and the better half is stayin' home,
bummer), so I might not have good access to the Gauge for a while; they tell me the
internet access over there is sloooww, but I'll let y'all know how things go. I hear there
are still active steam locos in China, I'll keep the camera handy!!:thumb: