By Your Command...

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Apr 2, 2006
Hi guys just a few teaser pics of my upcoming Mirror Card Cylon helmet as I take a little break from it :grin: .

Need to do a few minor changes here and there but I think the concept's sound enough.

Okay, so it's not up there real deal but it should do for a laugh come halloween PLUS
a) it's considerably cheaper to make (about $5 in card)
b) IT'S a damn site less painful to build than a garage kit (trust me on this)
AND c) you can even scale it down for the kiddies :twisted:

Prepare for the cylon invasion 8)



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B-Manic said:
Its a beauty, where did you get that paper

It's just basic mirror card - My smart idea was to print on the reverse:wink:

I actually got mine off ebay it was quite expensive - about £5 for 20 sheets, but it's quite a heavy stock maybe 25gsm+

I then found some at my local Boyes store (sells everything and a few crafts bits) - £1.50 for 8 sheets but it's a lighter gsm - may try this at some point (or let someone else).

I will be publishing the parts, so to give any would be builders a heads-up, here are the materials you will need:

7 sheets of Silver mirror card for the main helmet*
1 sheet of Gun Metal mirror card for the mouth grill
1 sheet of matt black card for the eye interior
1 sheet of gloss black card for the side panels**

*the higher the gsm the harder it is to build but the stiffer the finish - you decide.

**The side panels should actually be a slightly flat black, but all the matt black card I've seen is too much like sugar card - okay for the eye interior, but it looks pretty naff on the sides.

As for the Cyberman helmet - sorry guys I'm not realy a Dr Who fan, but I reckon the normal silver card (the kids stuff) would be a good match for that job if anyone wants to take up the mantle:roll:

I will probably do a few more Cylon parts though if it proves popular - definately needs the neck brace for starters:twisted:

And yes you can get Gold mirror card too if someone fancies taking control of the legion:-D

TheWebdude said:
As a teenager (yeah, that was a long time ago) a friend and myself constructed a cylon helmet with balsa frame and heat shrink mylar skin.

This is so much nicer!

Excellent work!

Cheers Webdude

I've also been working on a garage kit version myself, but styrene is a real pain in the @ss - prime, wet sand, prime, wet sand etc. etc. etc.

and when I've finally done that I've got to stump up for a half decent chroming effect (normal chrome paint is nothing of the sort) the cheapest of which is Alclad 2 paint but I'd need to get an airbrush and at least one can of propellant to apply it - all in all £40 quid's worth of stuff ($70) :cry:

For a pro silverspray I'd have to dig deeper, and for proper chrome even deeper still.

That got me thinking - there's got to be a better way :wink:


P.S. if anyone knows of a reasonably priced SilverSpray/chroming service in the UK please let me know
TheWebdude said:
When I built the balsa helmet we used a small motorized arm with limit switches that carried a single LED back and forth. It was worth the extra effort.

Pretty cool 8)

The best ones have multiple leds though, as for the right effect the light needs to have a comet tail style effect i.e. instead of one LED lighting up at a time you have 4+ getting slowly weaker away from the leading LED:

I know, picky picky picky :-D

I bet if you used 5 LEDs on the arm though, the one in the middle the brightest, and the 2 either side gradually weaker you wouldn't be far off at all - now how cheaply could this be done:twisted:
You would be proud of me, Bazookajo...

Just got my gloves for the complete outfit in the mail today.

I'll have to dye them and modify the sleeves, but I managed to find a pair of Cooper Armadillo Thumbs as per the wegottafindearth site...

Having trouble finding those boots, though... :rolleyes:
:cry: Ekuth Ekuth Ekuth - How many times must I tell you. To become a Cylon you have to start from the inside out.

Heck - I bet you don't aren't even wearing the regulation cylon underwear Ekuth - Always doing half a job m8 :p

Seriously though - nice one :thumb:

BTW backpack Alpha could be completed this weekend :twisted:


You would be proud of me, Bazookajo...

Just got my gloves for the complete outfit in the mail today.

I'll have to dye them and modify the sleeves, but I managed to find a pair of Cooper Armadillo Thumbs as per the wegottafindearth site...

Having trouble finding those boots, though... :rolleyes:
A Sneak Peek of Coming Attractions!

Okay, you Zealots... with permission of Paul (Bazookajo) I've been given the okay to show you what we've been hard at work on:

The Cylon Armor Backpack!

Shots of my Beta Build:

2.JPG 3.jpg 4.jpg

Stay tuned for more details! :mrgreen:
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Cylon backpack and Neckpeice complete :)


Finished my build of the neck and backpack. Now just need to create basic instruction sheets hopefully before this coming Monday.

Then we go live :thumb:




Cheers guys :)

Have to say I'm pleased with it myself. Major thanks to Ekuth for his assistance - He has already created a prototype for the breastplate :twisted: so watch this space.....
Cylon neckpeice and backpack go public...

Finally finished the kits for the neck and backpack. Instructions are sparse, but the build is fairly straightforward.

Major thanks to Ekuth for his assistance thus far with the mission to see the world in mirrorcard :mrgreen:

I'll update my website sometime later this week if I have time, and then I'll have a look at Ekuth's breastplate prototype. Just in case anyone can't wait till then the direct links to the files are below:

Neckpeice: - Free Online File Storage, Internet File Sharing, Online Storage, Access Documents & Files Anywhere, Backup Data, Send Files

Backpack: - Free Online File Storage, Internet File Sharing, Online Storage, Access Documents & Files Anywhere, Backup Data, Send Files

Best regards

LOL. It's mostly Bazookajo's doing. I just serve as a combination cattle prod/guinea pig and help rough out 3D forms that Bazookajo turns into the works of art you see here.

We'll see what he makes out of my chest prototype.

More cattle prod, I think... :rolleyes:
Hey Paul, is there any update on the other parts for the cylon

Thanks Doug

Hi Doug

Don't have too much free time these days but I thought Ekuth had created some parts for the rest of the kit....

I also think Red had done a sword that I'd started to draft up from his prototype....I'll have to try dig that up.

P.S. Can anyone tell me how to access the downloads section - I've no idea where it is :D

Best Regards

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