Building Uhu02's Enterprise

Rogerio Silva

Active Member
Nov 9, 2012
Rio de Janeiro - BRAZIL !!!
Hello, everybody

This is my second attempt to build the 2009 Enterprise by Uhu02 :inw:. The first time I tried, I was a "freshman" in this wonderful hobby, and thought it wouldn't be much hard. Boy, was I wrong!
Now, after I've got proper tools and assembled some other models, ending with Julius Perdana's Iron Man (it'll never cease to amaze me!), I have decided to give that model :inw: a try. I have to.
And I will also try to build Ron Caudillo's magnificent TOS Enterprise next, whatever the outcome of this trial is. So, let me present my first two pictures of my (not so good) attempt. And a heads-up: I have not used any tabs (I will, though, for the internal formers, or reinforcements, whatever their name is).
Let's not forget that Uhu02 :inw: has a detailed step-by-step assembly of his model in his site...:mrgreen:


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It's looking realy nice so far Rogerio !!

I don't have the guts yet to start that model, I downloaded it just because it is a must have, but I'm gonna wait untill I'm up to it.

It is a fantastic model and I'll be watching your progression clossely :)

Cheers and all the best,

I'll be following this thread as I have also got this one on my short list. Looks great so far but could you show some of the pieces after you cut them out, but before you fold and glue them?
That's it for today

Well folks, I must say that I thought I could do better, although I'm still satisfied with it. This model is as fantastic as difficult, but, I as usually say, DIFFICULT IS NOT IMPOSSIBLE!

Maybe I didn't get you straight: isn't there a photo that shows a piece in separate, already cut, but not yet glued? If there's none like that, please tell me what you need, and I'll try to provide it. If you need details, please P.M. me.



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It's looking realy nice so far Rogerio !!

I don't have the guts yet to start that model, I downloaded it just because it is a must have, but I'm gonna wait untill I'm up to it.

It is a fantastic model and I'll be watching your progression clossely :)

Cheers and all the best,


Hey Elko, AKA ShadowHawk! Man, I've already told you: if I can do it, anyone can! But I can tell you one thing for sure: although not using tabs increases the quality of the model, it also makes it even more difficult to build.
It's my first model without tabs:cool:... I think I should have tried something simpler.
Oh, well, now there I started it, I might as well do my best to finish it, huh? Problem is: I need more patience! Working on it...:thumb:
Thanks for passing by!
It looks like you are off to a really good start with this one.
Just take your time and go slow. You will do just fine.
You have me glued to this thread (pun intended).
Good morning!

Good morning and nice Saturday!

Here in Rio it's warm and cloudy, what increases the warmth! I started to work on the lower part of the saucer... This is where things gone terribly wrong in the first time, so CROSS YOUR FINGERS AND HOLD YOUR BREATHS!sign1
Here are some before-and-after pictures. I had to butt-join the two pieces, and did not tape it.
It sounds obvious, but the best way I found to do this is by sectors of 30-70 degrees, one at a time. Check it out.


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Now both...

Here both circular parts of the lower saucer with their "strips" glued. I found out that sometimes, because of cutting errors, the strip is longer that the circular part's length. It forms a small, undesirable ripple.:eek:
I was able to hide it in the bigger one, but in the smaller... NO! So what did I do? Simply cut the excess, and hide the seam under the piece that will fit in on top of it (check pieces number 24).
Here are the pics. I'll show the assembly on the next one. Looking kinda sloppy, I know, but it's in my tolerance range.:p


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Went on assembling, and when I tried to glue the last sets together, the smaller collapsed. AAAARRRGGGGGGHHHHHHH:curse::curse::curse:. I though it was strong enough, for I had even taped the seam, but noooo....
But I was able to revert it all. That's why you'll see the small hairpray can. Didn't figure it out yet? Then take a look at this:
And the pic...


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Progress so far

This is my progress so far. I went past this phase on my first time, but this is looking way better (OK, it' not so good, but it's still fine by me).


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Started the lower part...

Now, from the bottom up...:thumb: Taped the seam of the first section above the sensor array (first picture).


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Well (like you said), So far, so good. You are doing a GOOD job on this model. That is the GREAT thing about this hobby, you can pretty much do whatever you want to make things work and if you make a mistake, it is easy to fix (either with just a simple piece of paper, printing new parts to fix the broken ones).
the good thing about this model, is that there is room for making formers to add support to areas like the one you had problems with.

Keep up the good work.
You are being too hard on yourself, Rogerio. It's looking good! I plan on following this build, as I too want to try it. (I've built a different one before that did NOT turn out well- Ron Caudillo's)
Wow Rogerio I think it's looking real good.

When I see your pictures I get this urge to build this magnificent model myself but I just have to restrain myself not to go to fast to soon.

You mention that you build this without the Tabs, are tabs those little glue flaps on each part ? and if so how do you glue the parts together then ?
I can see you get a more even result without tabs because of the thickness of the tabs raising the part that you attach. Do you use custom strips (tabs) at the back for glueing the parts together so you can slide the edges of the parts neetly together ?

Anyway, your Enterprise is starting to look great :thumb:
Now I think I've got it!

Hello and thanks for visiting!

This is the first time that I ever got really happy with my work on this hobby. I think I found a way to do some good "butt-join", or "edge-glueing", and I would like to present my results. There were two long pieces that need butt-joining, and I did it fairly well for a newbie.
Let me first talk abot this (obvious) technique, it's absolutely simple: just put one of the pieces in a long surface (I used my cutting mat), spread some glue along the edge using a toothpick or something sharp (I used long, sharp twezeers), and then hold them together until the glue holds.
Simple AND obvious, but when you figure it out for yourself, it gives you a bit credit, doesn't it?:p
So, the picture shows the results. I'm happy!:thumb:
P.S. This isn't the time to get cocky!sign1


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