Brief Visit

Mountain Man

Active Member
Jan 19, 2007
Not much time on this computer, and a lot of eye strain, so this will be brief. I just dropped in to see how things were going, although I don't havecenopugh time to try and catch up on what I have missed.

My eye surgery went well, and surgery on the remaining eye will be on Thursday, so I have much to do. Once the second eye is out of the way, I will try to get back here and spend a little more time. In the mewantime, since my eyes are now one-at-distance-only and one-at-point-blank only, forgive my errors, if you will.

I had a military surgical team, an experience I will have to dewscribe to pass on the full flavor...think M*A*S*H with an attitude. :cool: Great team, though; I hope I have the same one the second time around.
Glad you could check in! Must be weird to have vision not line up that way for a while. Best wishes for the next surgery and an easy recovery. Regards to Hawkeye and Trapper John! :)
As a follow-up to my retinal detachment, I had a lens replaced and I now have near-normal focus in one eye, with extreme short-sightedness in the other. Unfortunately, the retinal work has folds or scars in it and I don't have flat vision there.
But I am now known as "Stares down lasers with both eyes open". :eek::cry::nope:
MM, Glad to hear your process is going well. Gee, can you now model in Z and G at the same time ? Thanks for checking in...awaiting your triumphant return to the Gauge ! Bob C.
Glad you stopped by. I am looking forward to having you back here full time. I think many here have missed your input and wit :)

Thank you all for your kind thoughts. I got out of surgery just a few hours ago and I'm now sitting around with bandages and a shield over my left eye, time on my hands and strict orders to pretty much do nothing, so my thoughts turned to the Gauge. As long as I don't lift over 5 pounds typing this, apparently it's allowed. :cool:

According to my surgeon, all went very well, in fact, easier than the right eye. The final verdict, of course, will be rendered tomorrow when the bandages come off, but I have every reason to be optimistic. Besides, I had an omen - while sitting and waiting to be released, the Histroy International Channel ran another documentary on "Steam Giants"! That has to be positive sign of good things to come. :thumb:
so far so good, but my wife thinks my reading glasses make me look like a really bad version of John Lennon! :mrgreen:
so far so good, but my wife thinks my reading glasses make me look like a really bad version of John Lennon! :mrgreen:

Well, all we are saying, is: "Give your peepers a chance!" :mrgreen:

I can see the difference between your most recent post
and the last one. Either your sight's a lot better,
or you've just invented
the world's best grammar and spelling checker. :mrgreen:

Great news! :thumb:

Best wishes.

Well, all we are saying, is: "Give your peepers a chance!" :mrgreen:

I can see the difference between your most recent post
and the last one. Either your sight's a lot better,
or you've just invented
the world's best grammar and spelling checker. :mrgreen:

Great news! :thumb:

Best wishes.


Naw....mah spulling jest done git beter...:p