Blackadder's Imperator Titan Build

Pardon My Dust,


What a Summer!

It may have come as a complete shock to you all but I do have responsibilities regarding house maintenance that occasionally take precedence over my 40K pursuits.

Long story short; my lovely lady friend managed to dislodge some tiles in the bathroom shower in my 50+ year old residence. Simple matter of cleaning the backing board and reinstalling the tiles but further investigation revealed that the backing board was sodden and ultimately I had to replace the entire lower half of the shower walls. I then decided to sheath the interior of the shower with tongue and groove beaded styrene paneling. I finished the interior with plastic crown decorative molding which took me halfway through August but the project came out pretty well if I do say so myself.

After a week or so basking in this past glory; "the light of my life," on stepping out of the shower, she managed to step through the floor in front of the shower door! This necessitated replacing the subfloor and retiling that area as well. Mind you I was in and out off the shower stall easily hundreds of times during the interior work and despite weighing 210 pounds I did not go through the floor. I may need to consider getting a lighter 'main squeeze'

Anyway today I decided to reward myself and take up the cudgel of working on my sadly neglected Emperor Titan.

Just so to resurrect your memory this is the area I am working toward......


I have only this one image to work from.


I finally figured out my mistake.


So I shall be working on this rear area until I get it right.


I hope it will not be so long for the next installment.
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i have just finished replacing the backside of the roof of my house that two Tornadoes droped a 180' tree on. The insurance company would not pay for it as it was a grandfathered in shed roof, and the town required I replace the whole roof. That mean 18 foot rafters. I went with a steel roof, and 2'x10'x15' rafters and for the most part, did the job by myself. I am beat. I now just have to tie in the siding. I also had to put in a new Hot Water Heater, and fix a plumbing debacle, a new toilet. I loathe next Spring when I have to finish this all off. Yes, I know about how maintenance. I also have to replace some shingles very high up on my Gambrel roofed barn. I may hire someone to do that. I have the shingles, but the roof angle is very steep, which means one shingle up there at a time. :violin:
  • Wow
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Thanks for the reply. Yeah I'm finally feeling pretty good.

Ouch! TWO tornadoes!

The Wine was Sour:

I've gone about as far with this as I can without correcting grievous mistakes I've tried to live with for the past year or so. If I am to complete this model the problems must be addressed now.

The following images are of the upper torso as it is right now.....




The yoke arms are too low and hang too far down into the interior decks.

The first step is to take the model completly apart and remove the yoke.


I cut about 1.5 inches off the top of the yoke which seems about right...


I sealed the top with 0.020 inch styrene...



more to come.....
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I seen to have duplicate posts. Can the duplicates be removed?




Ahh! much Better!


The yoke is now centered in the cutout as well...


I have no idea what these cylinders are for....


The arm is solid with no shoulder hinge points.
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I seen to have duplicate posts. Can the duplicates be removed?
I took care of it. thumbsup

Your build is coming along nicely! :)

Too bad to hear about your ouse issues. I hope there won't be any more of them anytime soon. Good that the model was not standing right below the hole. Just imagine water dripping from the ceiling on it...:skull

Flying Buttresses!!!

I guess it's no secret I work entirely without plans; so when perusing the only image I have of this beastie for the umpteenth time I rediscovered the d@mned thing has minarets WITH FLYING BUTTRESSES!!! Egad!


The problem is because of the perspective of the image and the obscuring smoke it's hard to determine what the bottom of these minarets look like and the author of this marvelous 3D monstrosity has not come forth with a clearer view.

I'm going to have to guesstimate the size and scale of these improbable appurtenances.


Mercifully there are only four of these constructs and after a fashion I settled on what I believe is a proper size for these escarpments.

A thought has come to me that the buttresses may have to be duplicated upside down as well but I'll have to see once they are temporarily installed on the model..


I have given up on what purpose they may serve other than ornamentation.
Well, this will be the penultimate build of this figure, after all. :)
A Whirlwind Weekend:

In spite of recurring relapses I managed cobble together some butresses and pylons and tack them in place on the superstructure.


I'm hard pressed to convey how well this is coming together; purely by happenstance I assure you.


With the first two images I had hoped to demonstrate the internal roominess of the model.

The last image presented here I tried to mimic the 3D image angle so you can get a frame of reference....


Right now the recent additions are just tacked into place so they can be removed for detailing.

Thanks for the replies.
Yesterday I was asked a the question, "How much does this entire construction weigh?"

I guessed approximately 10 kilo or 20.2pounds at the moment.

Today I weighed the upper body (no mean featBTW) which turned out to be 8,03 kilo / 17.7 pounds so perhaps altogether 11 kilo or 24.25 pounds.

Down to today's business.....

Yesterday evening in a flurry of activity I finally put together the central Keep framework and platform


The size of which was determined by the placement of the rear towers.


The following images demonstrate where the Keep is in relation to the deck components.






Today I shall be working on the corner turrets to bring them in line with the rest of the construction.
for once, we can say that it is a titanic job .............. well, ok I'm going out. :sadno:

For want of a better name.

This central structure fits nicely between the two rear towers and will have a catwalk instead of a peaked roof.


I've not yet decided how to place the front/rear of the structure given that the base fits nicely either way.


I will be departing for the original 3D image either way as I have only a vague idea what the inner court looks like.


I need to retake these images......


But you get the general idea.....


This is my favorite view :D


Martini time,

Would that there were an actual model.

Anyway after a great deal of studing of that which I do have, I've made an extensive revamping of the rear elevation.

After a week of work there appears to be very little difference visually but that belies the actual fact I assure you.

I tackled the quarter galleries once again this time from the top down which while difficult gives the structure more subsatnce.


The lower deck which I deemed "Engineering" now seems to have purpose.


I've only done one side of the quarter gallery but it appears to be the correct way to go since all the holes line up surprisingly.


I finally feel confident enough to apply surface skin to the central Keep and the roof as well.

As fantastic as this is, when it's all painted and textured, well, Oh Boy!! ;)
Thanks for the reply

The Skin Is In

Beginning to be installed that is. A major step forward for the long suffering Blackadder. I have finally reached a point where I am confident to commence applying a surface to the framework.


Henceforth the bewildering maze of framing material will start looking like a Titan body instead of a hodgepodge of waffle grids.

Only An Eighth of an Inch:

This past week I spent dozens of hours installing the skin on the many facets of the quarter panels.

When all was said and done there is an eighth of an inch discrepancy over the back of the model. (0.3175 cm).

Close enough for government work I keep telling myself.....


This morning I'll put the two remaining panels on the quarters.and turn the deck right side up again.


Then I may attempt putting the whole of the top hamper on the legs and pelvis for an overall view of the complete model so far.
It's very heavy and difficult for one person to assemble without incident.
A truly gigantic build. Is this to be used playing WarHammer? Or just as a display?
A truly gigantic build. Is this to be used playing WarHammer? Or just as a display?

For me it's just an exercise in engineering and an art project. Whether my son will ever field it I've no idea. It seems to me watching Helsreach the movie

(I only watch the few chapters that contain the Emperor Titan)

there is little value in playing such a huge piece that consumes a lot of points and can be taken out relatively easy against a comparable foe. Other than looking big and stupid on the average game board I see little purpose for such a 1,5 meter tall monstrosity. ;)
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For me it's just an exercise in engineering and an art project. Whether my son will ever field it I've no idea. It seems to me watching Helsreach the movie

(I only watch the few chapters that contain the Emperor Titan)

there is little value in playing such a huge piece that consumes a lot of points and can be taken out relatively easy against a comparable foe. Other than looking big and stupid on the average game board I see little purpose for such a 1,5 meter tall monstrosity. ;)

That was an awesome movie/episode? of Warhammer. My son and I watched it with much enthusiasm. Thanks for posting it. ;)