Blackadder's Imperator Titan Build

Thanks for the replies.....

Now It Can Be Told:


After a month hiatus where I spent the time duplicating the upper works previously accomplished I am approaching the point where the four bastions are ready to have the surface sheets applied.


I took it on myself to spare my erstwhile readers the agony of enduring repetitive exposition and bit by bit gluing that which was previously documented ad nauseam.


So this is where we are on the superstructure and I have to say I am elated that this is finally approaching completion, component wise that is; there is still a load of detailing to do!!!!

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Now It Can Be Told:


After a month hiatus where I spent the time duplicating the upper works previously accomplished I am approaching the point where the four bastions are ready to have the surface sheets applied.


I took it on myself to spare my erstwhile readers the agony of enduring repetitive exposition and bit by bit gluing that which was previously documented ad nauseam.


So this is where we are on the superstructure and I have to say I am elated that this is finally approaching completion, component wise that is; there is still a load of detailing to do!!!!

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You have single handily raised some companies stock value in the medium you are working in. This is fabrication at it's finest. Truly something from raw stock. :)
Wow, it has been some time since I worked on this project but over the past week I've finally felt well enough to rekindle my interest in completing this effort.

As some have perceived I may have contracted the Corona virus but I couldn't be tested for sure as yet. Today I am going to be tested for the presence of Covid 19 antibodies.


Anyway over the past week or so I've made some inroads into how to proceed with the superstructure and begun to make the base for the rear pair of towers.

Also for scale I've included the Skitarii figure and one of the decorative statures I ultimately plan to incorporate in the towers.


Without going back to view the last developments I posted regarding the interior engineering levels I've included this as well.

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Glad to hear you are back even if in a diminished capacity! Hope all is well and stays that way!!!
First off, I am glad to see that you are still working on this project!
Secondly, I hope that you have not contracted COVID-19. I how that you are staying healthy and staying strong!
Third, you are always welcome here! Your work is AMAZING and awe inspiring!
I just went through my images on page 3 and 4 of this thread and all the photos are missing? What's the problem????
I just went through my images on page 3 and 4 of this thread and all the photos are missing? What's the problem????

Recently, the forum was sold and then moved from Tapatalk to a new version of XenForo. During both the selling and the transfer, quite a bit of data was lost and not able to be recovered (to include photos and resources). I am sorry.
First Time Together This Year:

Toppling damage has been repaired. Blackadder is on the mend. All's right with the world and today is the first time I am putting this all together for a progress report. TADA!

First I am finally confident I have solved the problem of the superstructure so here is the solution.

The egg crate structure at the rear of the deck can be shifted back as needs be but it will form the base for the rear superstructure components.


The blue boxes simulate the height of the rear components above the front components. It was there that I had the problem and now we can proceed with the structures on the deck. There will be a cathedral roof between the two rear towers and the huge main gun will protrude between the statues.


Here's a side image.


And a left side image aerial view.


Ho hum you say; what else is new......

It's a surprise even for ME!
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Are You Ready For This:

One of the first things I built for this Titan was the Plasma Cannon. Quite possibly the coolest weapon conceived by GW/FW and I chose this for my Emperor Titan.


Of course I had no idea how big to make it and it has been one of my main concerns whether it was too big or too small for all these years until yesterday as I write.

Yesterday with the Titan in one piece for the first time this year I decided to bite the bullet and hang the weapon on the mount arm with the following result.





In all I'm quite pleased with the result.
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I guess you don't read any other parts of the forum as everyone else knowss, we almost lost the forum completely. We have a new Benefactor and there will be more changes, but he got screwed from Sanjay, and took everything he could off of the server, as it go so corrupted, even the software stopped working. Such is life. You can keep informed if you read the "Site News" occasionally and get a little big more involved in what's going here besides your model, which is freaking excellent, by the way. Our Benefactor's name is Darious, most of us Thanked him already for deciding to keep this forum which has not made him a dime yet. So nothing is set in stone. I believe he will be pulling advertisors, which will be a good thing. We could just disappear one day. ;)
WOW! This thing is COLOSSAL!!!
I knew that it was huge, however, I did not realize just how HUGE until these last photos! You are doing a PHENOMENAL JOB on this project!!!

Behold my new Vehicle Assembly Building

Dedicated to the Emperor Titan in all it's iterations, I've grown tired of this thing toppling when fully assembled.

The VAB has an open space floor to fourth level ceiling of just over 51 inches 130 centimeters.



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It's awesome all the way around. If you left that in a public place, with lights flashing, someone would call Homeland Security!! :)
The Superstructure towers in the rear needed to be raised in my estimation.

Using the waffle lens material I made a structure that should do the trick.

This is wonderful stuff to work with. It makes building bulky objects a simple task with no real measuring as the 1/2 inch squares are gnat's ass uniform in size.


The extended base with the towers


and with the Gothic statues applied


By George I think he's got it.
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Ha! a subliminal proding that I have been delinquent in publishing an update. Actually I have been working on the 'head' in hopes to complete the interior. I have a question regarding the seated crew. I cannot remember where I obtained the two seated pilots for the cockpit (shown here in my Warlord cockpit)....



If anyone who can provide the information it would be greatly appreciated.

I hope to have an update ready later today.
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Found 'em; they're Sentinel pilots and dashboards... but I found Valkyrie pilots on Ebay which will do the trick and I can detail the cockpit interior in much the same manner as the Warlord here seen below as I copy a page from the Warlord thread...

Then and Now:

Back when I was young, i.e. before computers; I had this idea of getting images of instruments and pasting them inside of model planes for realistic cockpit displays so perusing catalogs and magazines I came up with a few usable images etc...

Well long story short they were too big, or too small, too dark, too light and ultimately I gave up the idea.

But this morning in the course of mebbe half an hour I searched, photoshopped and printed superb instruments for the Warlord cockpit.

What an amazing age we are privileged to live in.


Paper or Plastic:

The paper gauges seem to work okay; definitely better than I can paint them I was going to light them from behind but I don't think that will be necessary besides the lighting will augment the discrepancies. We don't need that.

Once the glue is dried I'll trim the gauges better, right now they seem a bit crude.



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Excelent job on the control room. Looks great!! :)