Blackadder's Imperator Titan Build

I guess you figured out pictures are uploading again. This will happn periodically, but should never last as long as before with our new I.T. team. ;)

One page loaded the uploaded files and the rest didn't. As soon as the image generator is functioning I'll edit the rest of my posts.
The God Machine Arises:

Sorry to be so self indulgent but this is coming out much better than I expected.

In the beginning I had shall we say neutral enthusiasm for the project because when finished (If Successful I must add) it would relegate My Luteus Vexant to second place.

Now with a clear idea of how to build the chest area everything is falling into place and with both hanging buttresses in place the true width of the chest becomes apparent.

In point of fact this beastie has wormed it's way into my heart and I am beginning to regret compromising on the hip structure.

Tonight I am going to start on the superstructure platform which will support the Cathedral-like top hamper

And tomorrow I have to make a Hobby run for more 1/2 inch square square tubing.
Once again serendipity:

rears it's head. The "Hanging Butresses have structures that I suppose reinforce the arches and perhaps act as drains or down spouts. A large central one and two secondary on the wings. Inspecting my CoD bitz for inspiration I found the bas-relief tech priests on either side of the gothic arch windows made ideal. accents for these structures.


I used a razor saw to fine cut the figures from the window frames by first cutting off the square beam, then the footing course, finally the figures from the remainder. I discarded the the excess of the top and sanded the back side smooth. I then glued the figure to 3/8th inch square tubing (9.5 MM)


I still haven't decided how long to make these so for now I'll just make all four and adjust the length at another time after I make the inverted square spires.

But as you can see, blind luck has favored The Blackadder. :D
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It's not self indulgent to realize your work. Like Plato said, "Know Thyself", or was it "Socrates"? In any event, if was "Know thyself", not know them. ;)
The Emperor Has Entered The Third Dimension:

With the realization that not much more could be done with a two dimensional chest I made allowances for a more robust facade.


The Buttresses installed (albeit held in place with hemostats) with allowances for positioning I will be proceeding with the cutting in of the superstructure deck.


my mind's eye has main gun arms and supports engineering, command decks, and all important altars to the Ominissiah Machine God and suitable Tech Priests to carry out the requisite ritual.

Onward and upward the superstructure is nascent in my brain.
Imagine if Cathedrals were built like that. Walk to the towns of the faithful, trample the heathens. ;)
Gives a whole new meaning to "No one expects the Spanish Inquisition."

The Deck, Another Milestone:

17 inches by 24 (43 CM by 61 CM) a six dollar piece of styrene that will ultimately be covered up....


but necessary if I want to glue my superstructure to it.

(Warning: Frontal Nudity) :D

It all has to be of extremely light weight.


Now It Can Be Told.

I finally managed to isolate a decent image from the video model I've been working from. As you can see I've followed the concept rather closely but installed a few of my own and others ideas. Such as a different 'head' and raising the head off the waist plate; in this case about 4 inches (10 CM)

I like the idea of the Imperial Eagle wing in the buttress but that may be a late add on. Right now I am working on the deck. Where the artist uses corbel to support the front edge I shall be using PVC 'cove' moulding. Enhanced with strip styrene trim; you'll get the idea once I start the process.......

Untitled - 21.jpg

Laters, I'm off to cut the second course.
Oh my, a Monty Python "Spanish Inquisition" based on this would be hilarious,s with this beast destroying the towns of the heathens. There's be nothing left!! :)
Now this raises an interesting point regarding Forgeworld discrimination. To date there are five resin Titans in the Imperium of Man; Mars and Lucius. Two in Chaos (also men technically) I myself am waiting for a Chaos Warlord before I plunk down my hard earned shekels. One rather fey Eldar Titan Warhound equivalent and a Ork Gargant, also Warhound size, and a rather blandly designed Necron Titan which is more properly a tank. Why is FW ignoring the proponents of other Galactic races whilst doting on the armies of the backwater Third Rock from the Sun? I claim Galactic racial bias, shame on you FW.

From a selfish standpoint I want an interesting 'Emperor' equivalent for one of the other interstellar races to model because where do I go from here after I finish this Titan. And it has to be ambulatory.

One of the problems I notice about many scratchbuilds is the author does not build massive enough. Particularly floors, walls, hydraulic cylinders/pistons and in this case the DECK.

My deck right now is 19,44 MM (A skosh over 49/64 inch) thick; about 4 feet 8 inches thick. Still seems rather thin to me but I still have to add the bulwarks which will double the thickness in appearance at least.


The quarter view shows the depth of the model which suits my eye for the time being.


And the side view shows I need to increase the rear overhang by about 25 scale feet. to allow for the main Cathedral/Fortification


Omnissiah bless me.
Originally I was going to skin the bottom of the deck with 0.040inch (1,0 MM) sheet styrene but to lose all this gratis detail would be a crime. The honeycomb pattern I believe will look phenomenal especially when picked out with Ad Mech paraphernalia plus giving a ready base for Gothic substructure.


I've used about all of the 2 foot by 4 foot panel with barely enough left for my proposed interior wall structure.


A wise investment indeed.
Surely the mechanicum would have mitred corners??

Not necessary, each corner has a octagon shaped pilbox so I need only cut off the excess once the glue has dried. Incidentally and thanks for reminding me I need to make these rhombus shape structures removable to prevent damage when the Titan is disassembled.

And an interior shot of the Emperor Titan War Room

Incidentally this is an excellent video showing an Emperor Titan in motion:

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Skitarii Not Included:

My loyal readers must be getting tired of what looks like virtually the same images but trust me there is a lot of work that goes into the interim between sets of images.


Plus this b@$tard just looks so GD cool between shots I just can't help taking photos.


It makes me regret taking so long to begin working on a God Machine.


Lots of people had asked but I just couldn't find the right initiative to begin the build.

Many thanks to the various unsung internet artists that contributed to this effort knowingly and otherwise. If you see your work in this please let me know.
I really like the models, but WarHammer40K is a reality that just plain sucks. I hate the tanks, they just would not work, the tracks would break at every bump and jump, and it view into it's particular future is "played out', IMHO. I do not like certain models, this being oe of them, and certain tanks, mostly because they look like "steampunked" WWI tanks. Excellent job on this. ;)