Blackadder's Imperator Titan Build

A Revelation:

After butting my head against the wall for the past few days I came to the realization I've run out of ideas for the front of this beastie. I've tinkered with CoD panels and cut and pasted said panels in various positions and nothing looks right.


Fortunately I have the rear elevation to fall back on, when in the doldrums work on something else, is my motto; too bad I quite forget it all too often.


No sooner did I turn the beast around than I came up with a plan for the front but I'll save that for next week and concentrate on the back.
Your Warhammer 40K models are astounding. What a horrid reality they represent though. Could you imagine? As always, your workmanship is astounding.
Speaking of Horrors...............

We're back to the image uploader glitch D@mn

Cripes! Now I know why I need such huge doors!

These Tech Priests are gianormous!

I don't know what this thing is supposed to do but somehow a Emperor Titan needs a body guard.

And a company of lesser warrior priests.1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg 4.jpg

As you can see I have found a purpose for my balcony. Purely serendipity I assure you; I had no idea these creatures existed.
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Picture uploads are working now. Every now and then, we have to increase the memory. Unlike other forums, this forum is hosted by servers owned by the owner, not some mega franchise. A bit more "Homey".
I uploaded the pictures. I would hope that when this problem occasionally rises, people would then upload the image when it is restored. Sometimes we run out of memory and have to add more. That simple. ;)
Thanks, I tried this morning but it didn't work. Would it help if I downloaded thumbnails rather than a full image?
Thanks, I tried this morning but it didn't work. Would it help if I downloaded thumbnails rather than a full image?
I just downloaded on of your pictures from your photo hosting site to my computer. The top one is the thumbnail and the bottom one is the full pic.

Everything is working fine.
Blackadder's Instant Paint Job:

So I'm watching these Youtube videos how to paint Skitarii and they are quite involved what with the spray painting with grey primer and then gunmetal silver and washes etc. A marvel of tenacity and patience........


and I look at my Warlord and Thunderhawk and to my unpracticed eye I see very little difference between all that work and the relatively simple Flat Black Primer and rubbed in Graphite powder.


So I'm going to share my simple yet effective and cost effect method of acheiving the same effect with a tenth the effort.


First I spray paint all the figures with ElCheapo Walmart brand $0.99 cents a can Flat Black Primer.


Just one light coat and inspect out of doors in bright sunlight to make sure all the areas are covered.

And let dry overnight.
Adeptus Mechanicus Update:

Just to keep you apprised of my lack of progress in a physical sense at least. I have found why I have hit a wall design wise and I shall be making corrections this weekend. Most of my problem was two dimensional thinking.

On the painting front I have cranked up the old airbrush because these Skitarii figures are too finely detailed for painting with a brush. Even the youtube tutorials with so-called pro-painters show heavy brushstrokes that are unacceptable to me.


I began with the Dune Crawler which was not my fav anyway so I used it to practice on. It is not coming out to badly but I think the Airbrush can do better.


I managed to find a Belisarius Cawl on ebay unencumbered by the other two models in the kit which I also have no interest in and spent Saturday evening assembling it. It is ans extremely delicate model full of threadlike plastic parts and I have my doubts of it's survivability on a game board


Fortunately my Belisarius Will be a display companion piece for my Emperor Titan and reside in the completed interior Command center utterly safe from the vicissitudes of beer swilling 40K combatants. :D

Yet perhaps not from Martini Swilling judgmental old farts. ;)
I'd be happy, more than Happy, to be able to paint that way!!! ;)
Yeah, me too.............

Here's a question for all you painting buffs and I've yet to find it satisfactorily explained.

In the video below the author begins at the 2:20 two minute 20 second mark to "Shade" the the model with 3 parts Vallejo brown ink and 1 part Vallejo Black ink Now I've got dozens of bottles of shades, washes, glazes and nuln oil (Also a Shade and what I am most use to using with adequate results...........)

Now, Before I go and buy yet more of these vile little vials.............

What I want to know is since the author is indiscriminately using the words "Shade," "Wash," "ink," interchangeably; what is he on about and what could be substituted for this so called "Ink" mix.

I'm sure a lot of tyros such as myself would like a succinct explanation.

Here's your chance to shine and have the Blackadder in your debt.:D
Yeah, me too.............

Here's a question for all you painting buffs and I've yet to find it satisfactorily explained.

In the video below the author begins at the 2:20 two minute 20 second mark to "Shade" the the model with 3 parts Vallejo brown ink and 1 part Vallejo Black ink Now I've got dozens of bottles of shades, washes, glazes and nuln oil (Also a Shade and what I am most use to using with adequate results...........)

Now, Before I go and buy yet more of these vile little vials.............

What I want to know is since the author is indiscriminately using the words "Shade," "Wash," "ink," interchangeably; what is he on about and what could be substituted for this so called "Ink" mix.

I'm sure a lot of tyros such as myself would like a succinct explanation.

Here's your chance to shine and have the Blackadder in your debt.:D

That's nothing more than an INK wash!
Don't Give Up Your Day Job Blackadder

I'm not finished with these by a long shot but I'm going to display them anyway because each of you deserve a good laugh now and again.

The Ironstrider seems a waste of money for me as there is little use for him in the interior of the Titan. That and the Dune Crawler are just for so much practice in painting my Belisarius Cawl and Tech Priest Dominus.


I also want to show how I store my miniatures whilst painting and in storage. These two and a half dozen egg cartons are ideal for your 28 MM soldiers even with bases.



The Dune Crawler is the furthest along in the painting process and it looks like I need a second coat on the gold. I also have to wash off some of the Nuln Oil on the hull.


Tech Priest Dominus is the real reason for this post and I finally got the nerve up to tackle this bad boy this morning.

I promise I'll get back to the Titan by tomorrow. I've got some new Ideas and a whole new perspective on how to proceed with the front elevation.

Oh! and many thanks to all those who responded to my plea for clearance on what constitutes an ink vis a vis a shade/wash.

I didn't like the "ink" at all so I'm sticking with Nuln oil and the various shades & washes I already have.
Finely Divided Aluminum Powder:

Once again I am defying conventional wisdom and going my own way. I've seen many Belisarius Cawls on line and all with painted gun metal appurtenances and they seem to lack the depth I am seeking.

Below are my Tech Priest and Bel.. Cawl in their base painted stage using Vallejo Model Air Base Grey #71.097 and a red of my own concoction of Model Air Signal Red #71.070 and Game Color Royal Purple #16 which I mixed myself a drop at a time but somewhere around a ten to one ration.

Only later I discovered I had Mephiston Red in my inventory. Gah!

Note if you will the diminutive size of this $41 dollar model and marvel at how little your money is actually worth.

Back to the model; I applied finely divided aluminum powder to the highly ornamented staff with surprisingly satisfactory results and shall be using this where'er I can on these models
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As Promised, a whole new look for the Titan; Hanging buttresses or knees if you prefer. My quandary was to separate myself from my previous Warlord and open a new more airy Titan with weight saving upper hamper but still have the massive structure we have come to expect from a Emperor Titan.

With hope these will work into the equation.
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Sub Floor Supports:

Once again building these behemoths requires a bit of a nod to engineering. Many of the God Machines I've reviewed have ignored the support of the massive superstructure as if a paper thin floor is all that is required to support the crenelations, Gothic ramparts, turrets and spires. A few acknowledged the massive weigh of these edifices. It is those I have picked and chose the most interesting features to incorporate into my model

These images show the construction of what I call 'flying corbels' a structure unnamed in architecture but a fitting counterpoint to the Medieval invention named 'flying buttresses' prominent in the cathedrals of the middle ages.

Mine will be light airy structures that belie their intended purpose. the basic structure 0.040" skin over 0.50" inch square tubing. The end pieces and the 'U' shaped cutouts are skinned with 0.020" sheet styrene.

Finally the edges of the skins are accented with 0.040 Sq strips for the 'U' Channel and 0.040 by 0.060 rectangular strips for the lower edge trim. shown inverted in the image below.

Now we are ready for the pizzazz.

While attaching the new part disaster struck and the whole assembly toppled off of the display console five feet to the floor first falling on my work desk. The whole thing shattered into half a dozen pieces on the desk and floor and I feared for the worst


But inspection revealed no damage done to any of the discrete pieces and the titan readily reassembled none the worse for the experience.

So here's a closeup of the new piece in approximately the finished location. the legs may have to be shortened.


This piece relies on the CoD Manufactorum railings for the detail so far. More yet to come and of course I need to make another one.
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I guess you figured out pictures are uploading again. This will happn periodically, but should never last as long as before with our new I.T. team. ;)