August 1944


lester perry

It is 2:00 PM August 17, 1944. The brakeman in this picture is HOT. It is 98 with 80% humidity Right after a quick thunder storm. He is dreaming of cold weather, can't wait for winter.

It is supposed to get down to 8 degrees where I am tonight.
Looks great!
Today it´s a snow storm in the south east of Sweden so I could need something hot ;)
But I wonder: why 2:00 PM August 17, 1944?
Did something extra ordinary happened then?

-35*C or -31*F here plus the windchill. that makes it about -45*C. and we got 4 inches of snow last night. Yay for Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. That is a great pic. i like the people in the background, it makes it look more realistic.
[Can you change your camera settings to Aug 1944?:D :D :rolleyes: .:thumb:]

Yes I can set the date or turn it off which I usually do but forgot this time

[why 2:00 PM August 17, 1944?]

No particular reason. Just a date that would be hot.