Atlas switch machines


New Member
Apr 4, 2004
Hi All

I have some second hand Atlas switch machines coming for my hidden staging yards. Having never used them before, I know nothing about them.

Firstly, what are they? By that I mean are the soleniod type or something else....

Secondly, what voltage and type of power (AC/DC) do they require?

Sorry for such a basic question, but these came recommended for hidden staging.

Hi Bruce,
Thay are twin-coil solenoid types.

Atlas is recommending 16-18VAC. You can run them on AC
or DC. Remember to use a momentary contact switch
(do not leave power applied to the coil as it will burn out.)

They consume a lot of power, and your power-pack may or
may not be up to the job, especially if you are switching more
than one at a time (like a crossover) unless you are using a
capacitive discharge unit (CDU.)

Right now I have mine on a separate 24VDC supply, and
it throws them purty hard.:wave:
Ok, just an additional question tacked onto this one. I am going to build a power supply specifically for the turnout motors and a capacitor discharge unit/diode matrix or two.

Which of these transformers would be better?:

1. 24V 3A 72VA Single Winding
2. 9V - 24V 5A 60VA Multi-Tap
3. 12V - 30V 6A 100VA Muli-Tap
4. 12V - 30V 8A 120VA Multi-Tap

for my CDUs, I use
-an old Lionel Transformer 14-16V AC,
-the AC output from a train set power pack.
For my Tortoise machines, I use another old power pack with a brdge rectifier.
The CDU should tell you what power it requires.
You shouldn't need a great deal of amperage unless you are throwing a lot of turnouts at once. A CDU and a diode matrix will let you select a siding and line it up with one button. It also keeps your switch machines from cooking if the button sticks on.
Originally posted by 60103
for my CDUs, I use
-an old Lionel Transformer 14-16V AC,
-the AC output from a train set power pack.
For my Tortoise machines, I use another old power pack with a brdge rectifier.
The CDU should tell you what power it requires.
You shouldn't need a great deal of amperage unless you are throwing a lot of turnouts at once. A CDU and a diode matrix will let you select a siding and line it up with one button. It also keeps your switch machines from cooking if the button sticks on.
Thanks David

I have actually just posted a broader view of what I am looking to do in this thread:

It is a combination of things that I don;t have enough knowledge on :)

RD, I use a 12 volt 8 amp xformer for my power supply. I rectify it to DC so wind up with about 10 1/2 volts. I use it for both my Tortoise and Switchmaster machines as well as various twin solenoid types, Atlas, Peco, Rix, and NJ International. 10 1/2 volts is pretty low for these, so I'm told, but they work fine, and do so even when throwing four at once through a diode matrix. The solenoid type consume lots of current. My original 3 amp 12 volt supply couldn't throw more than two reliably. A move to 24 volts made litle differance. Amps are what you need, I guess the cdu's provide what is needed, I don't know much about them, built one 20 years ago following a published schenatic but using some hefty caps. Too powerful, I could weld my stud/contact together, forget push buttons! It packed quite a wallop even 24 hours after being powered down. I'm sure its not difficult to get the right balance between the ability to provide a short burst of appropriate power and a quick recharge time. I just don't see why they're considered neeeded, when a 5 to 8 amp xformer will do the job just fine. Maybe the concern for relatively high power lurking beneath the benchwork. I have mine fused to 6 amp and haven't ever blown a fuse.