Atlas saw

The Atlas saw is a great all-purpose saw for cutting upjust about everything. It will cut track, but you must make sure that the saw is square to the rail so you cut both off at the same distance. An easier (but more expensive way) is to use a Xuron rail nipper for the rails. If you get some, make sure you use them only for rails, and you protect them/put them away after you use them to keep them sharp.

Don't buy just one, by a whole bunch.

I think they're great. I use them for everything. Track, wood, plastic. I even used one to cut some oak flooring (full size) when I needed a very precise cut in a tight space. I use a miterbox or jig when cutting to keep things square.

My problem is I bought only one. My LHS (not really, but the closest one) doesn't carry them. They carry the Xacto line. I broke down and bought one. What a piece of *&$#@ it is. I'd buy one online, but hate to pay $6.95 shipping and handling for a $3.95 saw.