And for my next creation....

I think you have really stepped your game here. Those nacelles blew me away!! :)
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Trace the actual diameter of the hole and maybe you could either make a backing plate to hold the dish in place, it would be behind the paper. You're there, our confidence is high!! ;)
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These kinds of problems are good to post, they teach the most. :)
So, here we go. first mistake was glueing the two edges together (see previous pic)

Tried to fix that, and joined to the hull. Here I the joints didn't quite line up. Numerous attempts to get it to bind didn't work.

I then tried to "replace" with a spare sheet. here's the result :(

View attachment 170238

Ah those pesky deflector dishes... :frak: :robot1: Well there could be couple of ways you can solve this..:pompus:

1. Cut out the deflector dish first, then create a border or ring around the dish, then glue in place with spare paper at the seams. This would give you an inset recessed look with the deflector.

2. Another way is to add tabs to the existing tabs to reinforce certain sections. Maybe also add bulkheads to further reinforce the model at the weaker areas.

Just an idea.

Sky Seeker
Cut the tabs off, and use backing strips, The strips can be round, and will support the dish better, and keep it in plane, also when making ship models, always start with the bow and stern first, the center is easier to fix, in this case, you should mount the deflector dish in place first, that will allow you to put the sides on, and do what you must to make them symmetrical. Bulkheads never hurt, unless they aren't the exact size, in that case, make a small box, and have folded tabs to that to secure the sides in question, the tabs can be positioned while the glue is setting up, and the cube acts as a central structure, some models are better served with a central rectangle down it's spine, like this one. I left out that tabs that hold it onto the rectangle, I did this in 3 minutes, but you get the idea. ;)

Something like this:

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Much better, I would have done that differently, but it looks great. The sum of the parts will be great together, and this is looking to be one of your best!! :)
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