AC-130 Spectre

Drooling in anticipation

This is one of the few I have wanted to see done and here it is in progress...hope to get the model and build one of my own...
About the Fly 70 Model

I am presently looking to purchase this model, and can't find it. I have 2 questions: What is the size of the paper book the plane is printed on? And would you sell one of your Fly 70 models?


I have a Fly Model #70 C-130 Hercules that has a detailed
interior and a lot of movable parts such as the aft cargo
door operation and struts. I always wanted to make the model
but have never got around to it. As amatter of fact I have
two of the model kits. This has sparked my interest and may
end up building it after I complete my B-17 design. What scale
is the one you are building? The Fly Model kit is 1:33 .. Ron
Hey everyone, sorry I've been out of the loop so long. I'm back in Germany now, so theoretically I'd have time to work on this now, but the truth is I've been very busy. I haven't forgotten though, and I haven't given up. I'll get 'er done at some point.
If You PM me your email address I'll send you what I have. It still needs the guns, some more custom parts and a fit test but the repaint is pretty much done.
Have any questions about ask away just got off shift working on the Spectres and caught this thread. Bird looks good. Got to work an A mod going to be a air park bird before they left Duke fld, plus seeing that old wheel well where I borrowed some parts brought back some good memories. Can't wait to hang this one up in the office.

TSgt Weav
I was flying a Piper Warrior and it started vibrating so loudly I thought the engine was going to fall off, I cut back the throttle but no change. At that moment, an AC-130 Gunship passed me off of my port wing at the same altitude, we were about 70 feet, wingtip to wingtip. I was over the Hudson and he was coming in on final approach to Stewart Air National Guard Air Force Base. Scarey looking plane, in any situation.