? about this web site

Russ Bellinis

Active Member
Feb 13, 2003
Lakewood, Ca.
Visit site
I've noticed that if I don't open a thread for a day or two, when I go back to check on new posts, the Gauge forgets that I was ever viewing that thread and takes me back to post #1. My usual method with long threads with numerous pages is to go to the last page and then work back until I get to the last post I had read. Has anyone else had this problem. I've noticed that some message boards that I go to keep my history on threads indefinitely (the old Gauge used to do that), others are like the Gauge is now, and one I go to seems to only remember the first 3 posts in a thread and has to be manually scrolled to get past post #3!
Yeah - I have no idea why that happens like that... when it does, i click on

View First Unread

Under the "Post Reply" button at top of the thread :) That takes me right to the first post I havent read, so i can read them in order.. :)
Go figure...I never noticed that link...That'll help in picking up the "trail" on some of the looooooong threads. Thanks for the heads-up...11
Sounds to me like something is resetting your cookies after you leave here. Even if you don't log off, this site will consider you gone after 30 minutes of inactivity. Could it be that you've got your browsers set to clear your cookies?
Sounds to me like something is resetting your cookies after you leave here. Even if you don't log off, this site will consider you gone after 30 minutes of inactivity. Could it be that you've got your browsers set to clear your cookies?

I don't have a clue Don. I've never figured out how to access cookies, let alone clear them. I installed new anti-virus software that has been busy clearing cookies whether I want it to or not, but I've been having this problem since the Gauge became part of the Zealot site and went to the new server. I also downloaded Firefox a couple of weeks ago and I don't have a clue how to do anything with it except open the web browser. If I want to post a link, I just open IE and use it to post links from other sites to this one. Mozilla has eliminated the freezing up problem I've had in the past, but I don't have a clue where any of the tools I take for granted in IE are located.