a visit to doctor wayne's world

cn nutbar, you do some AWESOME photography!!:thumb: i think doctor waynes layout TOTALLY RULES!:D , and your photography does it GREAT justice.:thumb: :thumb: :D
hello everyone---thanks for all your comments,it makes submitting posts more enjoyable---no special lighting effects or techniques---doctor wayne uses florescent lights overhead---the camera does the rest---i use an olympus C-770 ultra zoom digital camera with a standard tripod ---no flash required---i just set it on automatic and snap away---beginner's luck i guess ???
the bridge is a kit from Central Valley which should be readily available through hobby shops---hopefully doctor wayne will respond with further info. on the bridge and lighting techniques
again,i'm just lucky to be able to visit wayne and take pictures---i'm sure anyone taking shots on his layout would look good---thanks again,nutbar
another shot for your enjoyment


Awesome pics! Beginner's luck has nothing to do with it, CN Nutbar...you have a natural eye for angles and capturing a scene. Dr. Wayne's layout is equally fantastic, the detailing is nothing short of amazing.

Personally, I think the two of you should team up again and submit something to a magazine. I've seen both layouts and photography in feature articles that don't even compare to what you guys post here.
test shot

hello---thanks for the votes of confidence---may last two posts seemed a bit oversized---i want to try another post to see if there's any change

cn nutbar said:
hello---thanks for the votes of confidence---may last two posts seemed a bit oversized---i want to try another post to see if there's any change

I'm speaking for my broad-band self, but in the case above, oversize was just fine! The scene and clarity of the photo make it so!
Sorry for the delay in replying. The truss span of the bridge, as noted by cn nutbar, is from Central Valley. Including the truss, the bridge is comprised of five spans and, except for the section on the truss span, is laid out on a very gentle "S" curve. In the third picture back (the one with the doubleheader going away from the photographer), the spans consist of one Micro Engineering 30' span, one ME 50' span (both made-up from ME girders and strip styrene for the cross bracing), followed by a kitbashed Atlas through girder (deck removed, girders flipped upside down, with lateral bracing built up from strip styrene) then the CV truss, followed by another kitbashed Atlas through girder. The bridge piers and abutments were cast in Durabond 90, a very hard patching plaster. I made moulds from .060" styrene sheet to suit the site, then glued the piers to the plywood riverbed using yellow carpenters glue. The bridge is removeable in one piece, which was very handy when it came time to add the "water". Every time that I see pictures of any of the bridges on the layout (there are four major ones, all removeable, with only two in areas suitable for photography), I'm reminded of the need to go back and add rust stains and high water marks to the "concrete" work.
As for layout lighting, as mentioned, it's all fluorescent lights, double four foot fixtures using Cool White tubes. I'm not nuts about the colour, but this type gives the most lumens per watt (and is also the cheapest). There are 16 fixtures in the room, which is an odd-shaped 560 sq. ft., and when the second level is built, there'll be another 6 to 8 fixtures added beneath the upper benchwork. The main drawbacks of this type of lighting are the colour and the overall flatness of the light, which renders a lot of the detail unnoticeable and offers little contrast in the way of shadows. As my friend mentioned, the camera compensates for the inadequacies of the lighting.
Thanks to all for the continued warm reception to my layout as showcased by Mister Nutbar's fine photography.

test shot

hello---i've been having difficulty submitting new posts---they're all oversized---i'm trying something different---hopefully this solves the problem

mikados are the most common types of locomotives to visit doctor wayne's world,but on occasion,other classes of engines are seen as well


