A Bridge...Finished

The Bridge Revisited...

Ok guys...Here's the changes you all mentioned I should do...So here goes..

I "unrocked" the footings and painted them a concrete color..even some rust marks running down the face. The feet can also be seen once the background clutter was removed. I went a little heavier on the weathering so some now shows in the pictures. Didn't want to overdo it since it's more noticeable "in person". I also put in the guard rails, which really make it look a lot better...!!
Overall a better looking bridge than before. Thanks fot your input. :thumb:


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Looks even better, Gus. :thumb: :thumb: I also like the weathering on your freight cars, and your scenery always makes me feel like I'm thirsty.

doctorwayne said:
That's certainly not my intention, :( as I think that Gus has done a great job on his bridge. Same bridge, different locales; totally different appearance.

Gus, I think that the guardrail does add to the appearance, but I have found that it's rather difficult to rerail errant wheels when they're on the bridge; too many rails to choose from, I guess. :rolleyes: By the way, the 4822 belongs to my friend cn nutbar. It's a Proto2000 unit, and that picture is the first one taken after I'd replaced the wheelsets because of the notorious "cracked gear" problem. (Runs great, now. :thumb: )


By the way DocWayne, Atlas has a Green and gold N scale CN GP7, it looks really good, it's the next item on my shopping list.
Biased turkey said:
By the way DocWayne, Atlas has a Green and gold N scale CN GP7, it looks really good, it's the next item on my shopping list.

Yeah, it's pretty difficult for custom painters to compete with what the manufacturers are now offering, unless you're modelling a really obscure road or one that you've free-lanced. At one time, I had trouble keeping up with the demand for custom-painted TH&B equipment, but the stuff that's now available r-t-r is extremely well-done. Did Life-Like Canada ever do the TH&B geeps in N scale?

Ah, now that IS better. It was nice to begin with...now it's great! Seeing the footings, to me, gives it more of a massive feeling, like it's really got some weight to it.

And thanks also for the shot giving the overall view of the bridge and approaches from each side. Next step...painting track followed by ballasting, right? Have fun!
Thanks for the opinions, they're most welcome...
The rail painting & the ballasting will wait a bit until I finish the "backside" of the mountain, so I can do the whole kit & caboodle (??) at the same time.
Gus, your bridge now looks like a real one, take your time for the rail painting and ballasting.
In N scale I do it the other way around : rail soldering, than painting. Everyone has it's own way to do the job.
Thanks BT. It did bring the bridge up a notch...There's no soldering left to do. However. I do paint my rail and do the ballasting as a last step in scenicking. Well, almost. I can add shrubery & stuff after I've ballasted.
Gus, I agree with everyone....It looked great before but now it is even better!
Thank you for all the different angles btw...
Keep up the excellent work!!!!