40k Lore in under a minute...

I can't get any sound for some reason, I'm quite dumb with computers have to wait for a mate to fix it, but the utube looke pretty funny. They must have had a great time putting it all together.
I spent way too much time watching the different consolidated stories of the games, a really funny, but informational link. :)
I like the 40k background and love the game but the writers don't advance the story coherently and sometimes just blatantly disregard old fluff ie: new charasmatic necron overlords.
No intentional hijack meant but would appreciate someone much more versed in 40K than my meager noob-lurker status to explain-expoliate something for me.

I see some very cool ground action-engagement vehicles, mostly tanks and troop transports, but not to my knowing seen anything for wet-beachhead type operations.

Not likely every world that the faces an Imperial presence will be dry, so why the absence of a 40K version of a brown water navy or a dedicated 'amphibious' operations branch ?

That said, I return everyone to their regularly scheduled discussions.
You then have proved you know more than me. I am WarHammer impaired. I gather these worlds all just have many many streams of water. Maybe it's like Star Trek, they never show cars, except in that movie with the dune buggy where Worf couldn't hit a Barn door! :)
That was great... :)
Been collecting 40k for years. never seen the marines explained in under a minute before...
thanks for the link needed a laugh