Search results

  1. BazookaJo

    Any 3DS Max users out there that could convert a .max file?

    Cheers Zathros - hope all is good BTW. I hear you re 3DS files - only chance was to find a 3DS user or someone trialing the demo (which failed to tun on my PC). Managed to find a kind soul on papermodellers to convert the files so all good. As I say pretty sure 3DS can export to a few...
  2. BazookaJo

    Webdude Rick Terminally ill, passing very soon Please Read

    Been a long time since I've been on the paper modelling forums (having a 4-year-old severely reduces your spare time), so I missed Rik's passing. I can't say I knew the guy well, but he helped me out on occasion, and it was his Wacky Racer models that got me into paper modelling. He was an...
  3. BazookaJo

    Any 3DS Max users out there that could convert a .max file?

    Hi guys I've found a model that I would like to have but on downloading I find this one is a .max file (3DS Max?) Could anyone out there help? I have no intention of making this a regular thing, and again any help would be very much...
  4. BazookaJo

    Arthur Dent has arrived

    It been a long trip around the galaxy but he has finally arrived on my site.... I'm guessing Trillian will be next, but I'm off around the galaxy myself so it may be a while coming :D
  5. BazookaJo

    Cylon Centurion sword

    Just seen this thread - absolutely brilliant!!!!!!!! But if that's your house you're posing outside then I think there's a few DIY jobs you need to be getting on with ;D BTW - Know I'm a bit late on the puns but I went into a Deli for a BLT the other day and the assistant started growling at...
  6. BazookaJo

    Classic Rocksteady Prototype - say your prayers toitles!!

    So little time these days but was inspired and also disappointed by the KidRobot Beebop and Rocksteady. Early days but I'm looking forward to the day this guy will be kicking some shells in full technicolor!!
  7. BazookaJo

    Mice?! Arthur Dent hitches a ride...

    Cheers Zathros - the Hitchhikers stuff is definitely the least popular of the stuff I do, in fact I think there have only been 250 downloads of Marvin the Paranoid Android whereas my most popular model - Marvin the Martian - has had about 40,000 LOL (though I'd guess that less than 10% of people...
  8. BazookaJo

    Mice?! Arthur Dent hitches a ride...

    Cheers Maverick -Glad you like it. As I've said before - it was a real labor of love and Arthur and I fell out for a while - mostly due to that dressing gown. Texturing is mot my strong point so getting tartan to meet well and logically at the seams was a simple case of tweaking and building...
  9. BazookaJo

    Mice?! Arthur Dent hitches a ride...

    Again - another late entry for all 5 of us H2G2 fans, but FINALLY finished Arthur Dent thanks to prodding from Maverick over on PM Love the line up but not sure they'll be any more till I retire :D And YES he is wearing a digital watch ;) And yes I need to print Arthur's name tag on the base...
  10. BazookaJo

    Marvin at 2 1/2 times

    When did this get finished?! Subscribed to this thread but had no updates for weeks!!!!!! What can I say - every home should have one!!!! Again - truly awesome job Red!!!
  11. BazookaJo

    Marvin at 2 1/2 times

    LOL that is one awesome Marvin costume - even the flag is spot on - i bet he was a hit with the neighbours and got more than his fair share of Halloween treats in that getup :)
  12. BazookaJo

    Marvin at 2 1/2 times

    Would love to see that!
  13. BazookaJo

    Marvin at 2 1/2 times

    Again - I say costume!!! :D
  14. BazookaJo

    Marvin at 2 1/2 times

    Time to come clean...your building a suit right? :D
  15. BazookaJo

    Marvin at 2 1/2 times

    So far so 'great'!!
  16. BazookaJo

    Cylon armor

    Thank 'you' :)
  17. BazookaJo

    Cylon armor

    Okay - Cylon pistol uploaded and available along with the armor - looks like a great fit :)!!
  18. BazookaJo

    Cylon armor

    Hi Revell-Fan Firstly I would 'love' to add you page to my site - Nice work BTW and fab tutorial...I will take a few images of the finished model from your pdf to provide the link images. Also - with the sword you may be in luck - Red did one ages ago and I the first draft of a kit from it -...
  19. BazookaJo

    Cylon armor

    Phew - all done...Parts now uploaded. Again - major thanks to Red and Stilgarhammer for help with these... Just the boot toppers to do as and when time permits :D Hope these parts prove useful to all the DIY Cylons out there.
  20. BazookaJo

    Marvin at 2 1/2 times

    Wow - That's going to be one big Kahuna!!!! Again - watch the ankles, or the top of the boots - that's the weakest point and may need reinforcement..... Look forward to seeing this done. Great job on the standard version BTW!