Y-WING BUILD - Construction continues...

I really appreciate this thread!

You're not only showing how to build it, your exploring, and sharing, the challenges of the kit and instructions. That's a real benefit for those who will use your thread, years onward, to solve the problems that you are noting and challenging.

Great thread!
Cheers THE DC: I really 'appreciate' those words - unfortunately I'm a mediocre builder at best, so I can only show what I find.

Treading very carefully with the rest of the construction, as I'm guessing there could be more maladies to bite my shiny metal ass!

I just hope the pictures and words are easy to follow for fellow builders - but I'm always open to questions :)
As we wait for the internal structure to be re-printed - construction continued aft-wards to the droid pit.

The bucket which holds the droid was an utter nightmare to construct, thankfully its hidden and black paint covered
a lot of 'horrible-ness'


Greebles attached and the front under-nose section was formed and glued, had totally forgotten to show this piece

The arrow points to the inner ring of the sidepod greeble from earlier on in the build, these were left over on the sheet - took a light bulb moment to actually think "those go there!"

Also attached to the left of the circular part is another add-on. The designer made fold around sides, these were just too small and impossible to fit. So I laminated up the part to the correct thickness and just cut around the shape. The sides will be painted at a later stage.

Next on the hit list is the parts for the main body section and wing.

Main body parts cut, creased and folded.

Main wing also cut, creased and folded.

The main edge of the wing had no tabs to help attachment. Thinking I'd cut them off when I sourced the part, was quickly dismissed by looking a the pdf and noting there were no tabs on the part. A tabs part was quickly knocked-up using other parts tabs as guides.

Tabs installed.

Until the next time folks...
I like to see how you are working thus far everything looks good and you overcome the problems quickly.
Stay on track and this will become a great model.
The Wing for this beast is the only large part not to have any internal structures laid out in the plans.

As this will be load bearing for the engines, I decided not to risk any long term sag or problems and add a rudimentary wing spar.

A first attempt was to trace the end of the wing and slightly reduce the size to fit inside.

Some meat skewers were going to be the main spars with treble laminated ribs - a practice hole was made to determine the size.

The scrap. or so I thought piece of paper - was actually greeblie parts! By shear luck it just missed the corner, bullet dodged there!

I thought five ribs would be enough, one in the middle and two either side of the wings, all equally spaced.

The first batch were dumped for being too large, they were made in haste and not up to scratch - enter the mark two variant which sized correctly and notched to accommodate the tab section.

With the new template cut I decided to draw the shapes out without the use of booting up the computer and fanny'ing around in some programme or app. Out came some old school technical drawing bits which I have had since 'school!' Really should wash it, it looks its age!

Fifteen 'near identical' parts drawn and some extra drawn circles, just to confuse me!

Lots of scalpel slicing later, the parts came out just fine - the day-glow pink was just added so I knew which was left from right.

Big boy glue was used for laminating and set these under my cutting mat to cure.

The thought of cutting through all those layers on fifteen pieces with three holes apiece did not appeal, so a quick rummage in the tool shed came up trumps with this hole punch - slightly industrial for model making, but did an outstanding job of punching out all the holes.

Finished spar/frame/insert thingy constructed...

A tiny amount of final trimming and she sat right in - small amount of glue was added at the back to just hold the structure in, and it also helped form the back edge into shape.

All closed up and happy with the result.


Adding the tabs and the internal frame definitely helped this part to close up better than first thought.

It has also given this part some real strength, and not the squishy limp wafer she started out as...

Now we wait to see if she fits through the body! :(
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With the wing sealed up. it was time to see how she fitted - all main body components were gathered for a dry run.


Bottom panel for main body and the internal structure loose-fitted.

A couple of tweaks to the main body openings and the internal structure resulted in a very tight fit...

However noting the camber on the main spar, I saw the details on the face of the wing were pointing backwards, the rear of the wing has no detail or greeblies added - see CGI pic for clarity.

Correct orientation made, but had got those details facing backwards, thankfully no glue was put into action!

Main belly panel test-fitted

Hopefully this when sealed up will finish the main structure of the Y-Wing, leaving only add-ons until the engines have been printed
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