Dewey - Silent Running drone model by uhu

Right, when I last left you all I was concentrating on the top panel.

Whilst I was wrestling with forming the top plate, I thought I'd tackle the shroud which surrounds the front plate.


On the whole this a well thought out and stunningly engineered model, but the attachment point for the top part of the surround left a little bit to be desired.

So I doubled up a bit of scrap stock, folded it into two and placed it a stocks thickness below the line of attachment. This meant I could glue underneath and seat the top part to a ledge so to speak, thus getting a much better 'seated' and 'straight' look



After a few choice words, the top plate was finally seated, not the best of jobs, but it got there just..!

A few greeblies adorned the area and were duly attached - apart from the data/programming cards, which are removable , so you can programme your Drone to do the washing up. cleaning the car or taking out the recycling!

These were the first parts to receive some paint, to which I think the results are not too bad.

My usual builds go without painting anything, but Rhavven Blaack suggested on another build to add some on the edges, and I think he's right, whilst some areas are going to be left, as these were quite beaten up in the film, just that little splash here and there goes a long way. Painted on the left.


With the top plate finished the next part was to start on the side pods - these were cut and formed, but due to sharing the work space with my partner, some missing photos and a hurried & cluttered couple of pictures show the parts which are to be used...sorry!


The whiter parts are mutiples and duplicates which when bonded together give the frames for the side pods a great deal of rigidity.


Basic frames constructed, parts for the outers were sourced, cut and formed ready for the next battle!


The watchers, ready for the next battle gained another 'viewer'


Thanks for viewing as always...and we'll see you here next weekend with more...
The details you are doing will give you a quite excellent piece when you are finished. One worthy of display. ;)
You are doing a great job!! I love the movie and the special segment on the drones in ''the making of...''
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You're getting your first accolades here! :)
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Well another week has passed, but not much really to show - that's mainly because I got carried away on the side pods and forgot to take pictures.

A fruitful trip to the local Warhammer shop came up tumps with a good paint, so most of the week was spent painting, which really 'ups' the finish.

Left hand - unpainted, right hand painted.


Small nuts cut out


Face plate parts, with tiny vents cut out


Parts sourced and cut out for some greeblies, but whilst this was being done, my cat Hudson thought he would join me for a few hours.

The droids saw this as a hostile take over, so they sprung into action to remove the furry threat.


Toes and the first parts of the legs were next. The toes were fairly easy and found the tops of some superglue were the perfect size to help form a couple of rounded items.


Well there we have it, a small update, but not much to show, hopefully the week ahead will be more productive.

Thanks for looking as always...and see you soon.
Very bery nice!! :)
Back for Dewey action - the Y-Wing build, and this little fella are fighting for space on the workbench - so one or the other has to be finished first...and Dewey has one out, well he/she/it has less parts left!

Coming back to this, I really am struggling with the thicker stock it was printed on, but "by Grabthar's hammer!" the drone will be born...

Legs and feet, lower legs to be precise or wrists!!! - a tricky construct, especially the thin ring (Note - yellow cut out)

One down, one to go - The wonderment of these feet is the articulation and swivel of the foot/hand at the bottom.

Whilst the legs and appendages were drying, other little assemblies were needed.
The light was next, and the thick stock showed its head by not fully wrapping the inner part.

Cue a spare piece added to the underside first...

...then a small splice added to the gap - job done! Well paint was also needed!

The light lacked detail - eyes were cast over the bench to see what could be used to enliven the area.
Some adhesive foil tape, a sequin thingy and a pin were the weapons of choice.

Thankfully without stabbing myself, the pin with sequin was pushed through the centre and snipped off with pliers.

In reality, on the full-size prop, this part was a car light made by Italian firm Carello - so hopefully this internal recreation looks more like the inside of a car lamp - the Lense cover will come later after some suitable material is sourced.

Internal box structure for the arms were my next target.
The strange contours and shapes looked very strange on the sheet, a kind of "WTF!?" sprung to mind

Things became more apparent once everything was folded, twisted and scored...well slightly 'cue head scratch again!'

The devilish tubes rolled, and the arms contorted into a fabulous right-angled assembly...I would have never been able to design that in a million years!

Inner arm assembly completed which allows for up and down movement of the arms. A brilliant piece, which was a joy to construct, as it really tested the grey matter.
(Note - correct orientation is flat)

More to come, hopefully Dewey will get to handstand before the weekend! :wink:
You already have manipulator fingers. I'm looking forward to seeing what you can achieve with a whole manipulator arm! ;)