Norfolk Scale Model Group UK 2023 Xmas Meet... and Chuffy wins a bronze!


Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2022
Norwich UK
Just before Christmas it was our last Model Meet for 2023 and the competition round was 'OPEN CLASS' - finally out of the four competitions we hold each year, I have something which can take part!

Lots of cool and well done models, please have a look.

Oh and I won a third place for my Klingon Bird of Prey, finally finished after starting it way back in 1996!
I took along my paper AT-AT too, and fellow modeller Derek brought his Bandai plastic offering, we should have called each other! But they compare favourably with each other...

Well chuffed with my first ever award for something I built, and voted by fellow model makers too, really made my night. Will have to try harder to reach a 2nd place...


Chuffy, that's first-rate work to me. You were 3rd among some really stiff competition. You should feel really proud. Well done.
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Chuffy, that's first-rate work to me. You were 3rd among some really stiff competition. You should feel really proud. Well done.
Cheers @zathros - the open category is a bit leaner than the other comps we run during the year, as we have national award winners in our group, combined they brought home 1 Gold, 3 Silvers and 1 bronze this year from Scale Model World Telford... and that's a cracking haul from a small group such as ours at such a huge competition...

So yes, very proud indeed :cool:
I see great models and you are third among these models. You have done great work.

Dank je @mijob it was a miracle really... so much talent in our small little group. National award winners too... my goal is to finish more models and try to enter all the categories of competition we run throughout the year, just for fun! although winning is a lovely feeling :)
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