YouTube Videos



We can insert YouTube Videos. The following provides the format (no spaces) We are working on having a "Button" installed in the "Advanced Reply Mode". Thanks:thumb: Stephen!!

This is a sample text for the embeded video in this post: [ youtube = Real Steel ]hF-QCMF7w2I[ /youtube ]............. You would leave out ALL spaces.


[youtube=RealSteel ]hF-QCMF7w2I[/youtube]
For now, just put the share code for example, go to YouTube, copy and paste what ever appears when you Press "Share", in this case:, then just keep the code part, the INb-421E-mo and place it in between:

[ youtube = ReelSteel ] INb-421E-mo [/ youtube ]

LEAVE OUT THE SPACES, I have to put them there or a block appears. and the follow will appear:


This will change shortly but works for now. The ReelSteel part is,? not sure, I will find out. :p
[youtube=the reelsteel]wt10Fvg4qeM[/youtube]

Hey hey..... it sure works fine - Cheers. Enjoy my video :mrgreen: