

Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2010
Hello, good people.
I finally got my ass away from playing video games and building some models.

I also addressed some fitting problems of my largest paper model(at this time), Spacebattleship Yamato. I redesigned many areas and printed out the frame, hoping to do a test fit soon.

But meanwhile, I made a couple of videos of plastic models, and I hope you will enjoy them.

Nice to hear from you! Interesting models. Not my "thang', but you did your usual fantastic job on them. Again, nice to hear from you, and see you get away from the gaming. The only game I play now is "Real Racing 3", maybe 40 minutes a day, before I go to sleep. ;)
First off, please let me say, WELCOME BACK! It is always a pleasure seeing you here and to see your build videos. I always learn something new from them! I am glad to hear that you are continuing the design and build of the Spacebattleship Yamato. I am really looking forward to seeing how that will turn out!
With that being said, I really like the maintenance stall. It looks like a great way to display Gundams (and other robots like that).
Once again, welcome back
COOL! I took a look at your other videos. They look aweseome! :)
Hey, thanks for watching my videos.

Nice to build models again, and video games are too addictive; I may have to check into a rehab center. : Hello, my name is Allen, and I am a gameholic ~

I haven't used the program to unfold the model for so long I forgot most of the hotkeys :D
I am certain that all of the "hotkeys" will come back, once you get started again.
It is great to see you back again. I was starting to wonder if you had fallen off the face of the Earth. Once again, welcome back!