Trestle tie size????

Randy May

New Member
Oct 29, 2007
Yakima Wa.
Are the ties on a trestle larger around than the ties on the ground areas,
I know there longer and spaced closer together on a trestle. The ties on Micro Engineering track seem to be about 1/8" square less the low profile.....The ties I got in a "Black Bear" trestle kit are 1/8 tall x 3/16 wide
....Should the trestle ties be only 1/8" wide as like the ME track ties????
,need some experienced advice,,,,thanks;
Randy May
This is the first time I've been aware of this feature of bridge ties. I will have to remember to look a bit more closely, the next time I'm around a bridge, or trestle, where I can see the underside of the ties. Very cool bit of information, Thanks !
Thank you for the pictures; they warrant much studying for the details. Even though I model over 100 years earlier, seeing details of track and bridge construction is really useful.
Thanks again. The rail height difference really stands out in the old picture as compared to the present.