" The living legend " or Construction of a Hangar Bay about 1 : 120


Galactica lives in Germany
Jan 3, 2015
North East Germany, Europa
Die Shuttles benötigtigen ja eine Basis. Die entstand/ entseht so. Teilweise wieder umgebaut und wärend des Baues verändert.
Modellbau halt, wie ich ihn verstehe und liebe.

"Der Weg ist das Ziel"

Die Bilder sind selbst erklärend.....

The shuttles benötigtigen yes a base. The created / entseht way. Partially rebuilt again and moment during changes of the building.
Model halt, as I understand it and love.

"The route is the goal"

The pictures are self-explanatory ...








What would Cain (and we ;) ) do without you, Jenny? :bowdown::Bravo::Drinks:

These images clearly show how simplified the shuttle mockup of the series was. It was much too small. :cool:
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This is beyond stunning!! You could make comic books, or stop/go animation, and use your models and figures to the background and just add words to each frame. Your ability to turn everyday objects, and reuse them is wonderful. You have an insight that is genius. :)

Das ist mehr als atemberaubend !! Du könntest Comic-Bücher machen, oder Stop / Go-Motion-Animation und die Modelle und Figuren als Hintergrund verwenden und nur Worte zu jedem Bild hinzufügen. Deine Fähigkeit, Alltagsgegenstände zu verwandeln und wiederzuverwenden, ist wunderbar. Du hast einen Einfallsreichtum, der genial ist. :)

(slightly edited by a certain German mod..! ;) )
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The diorama is OUT(FRAKKING)STANDING! You have really captured the scene BEAUTIFULLY!!!
I like the little Viper! You did a GREAT JOB with the added details!
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You are out of this world!! Fantastic!!!
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Love that shot looking through the girders of the landing bay and seeing the Viper and workers around it! Great Job!
Love that shot looking through the girders of the landing bay and seeing the Viper and workers around it! Great Job!

Me too! That is one helluva shot!! ;)