TH&B Loco at Westfield Pioneer Village


Active Member
Mar 22, 2006
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I just learned about this loco and this pioneer village tonight. Here's the link:

Have any Gauge members ever seen this loco or visited this pioneer village? I'm sure this loco doesn't run! :cry: but there is another pic on this site ( showing it with another piece of track in the pic, thus at least giving the impression of an operating railway. I'd be interested in hearing any feedback or other info on this loco and its location.

This village and loco looks like a neat place to visit sometime! Thanks in advance.


If you follow this link in the second of your links, you'll see that #103 is stuffed and mounted, and that the resto group is looking to bring her up to snuff for static display.

Sad, but on the whole, there are too few Canadians with deep enough pockets willing to finance full operating restorations of steam locos. Must be our Scottish hertiage. :cry:
Interesting, I've never even heard of this place before! Looks like it would be a good trip when my kids are a couple years older. :)
Thanks for this feedback. I wish we could finance heritage steam railways over here as they do in Britain, where there are dozens of them. I guess we don't have the population ... and what people we do have are all really spread out geographically compared to Britain.

I hadn't heard of this place either until I saw it featured on a TV show last night ("Ghost Trackers," a little TV indulgence that I have -- I'm bravely admitting this. I watch almost no TV except that I find this show to be amusing to something relax and watch.:cry::eek::confused:).

So after watching last night's episode, I immediately googled this pioneer village, thinking that it might be a neat place to bring my family to. Then, I was really amused and pleased to see there is a TH&B steam loco there!
