Sugar Cane Plants, Modelling of

I recall seeing an article on sugar plantation railroads, where there were photos of cane being harvested. I believe it was in a Narrow Gauge and Short Line Gazette. Photos such as that would give you the relative size, and shape, of the cane, compared to the people harvesting it. You would then have to find a material that best represented the crop. You might try a search on "sugar cane", sugar plantation railroads, etc. to see if you can find that kind of photo.
Unless someone has modeled it before, and can provide some information, that's about the best I can offer right now.
Modelling standing fields of sugar cane which are 2 to 6 metres (~6 to 15+ feet) tall might be done in a similar way to modelling corn. But the extra detail required because of the scale might be hard to achieve.

Have you looked at Michael's craft stores for some plastic/synthetic plants that might stand in for sugar cane? Changing the colours with some paint might be the easiest...

Much more difficult would be to cut individual leaves from paper or fabric and build each plant around some sort of stem. Google has a ton of pictures that could help with this...

Are you adding a field of them to your layout, or just a small suggestion that there are more fields? That might make a difference in which method you ultimately choose ;) :D

A well stocked pet store may have inexpensive artificial aquarium plants that that could work as a starting point for the typical densly-packed sugarcane field.
Hello all. Still pursuing the elusive modelling material for a sugar cane plant. Am experimenting with shredded paper glued to a central toothpick. Tedious but "might" do for field edge plants. Stay tuned.
Check out the CaneSIG

I know this is an old thread, but if anyone is interested in modeling sugar cane and associated RR's, you might want to check out Lynn Zelmer's excellent CaneSIG website:

I believe there is an article on this website about modeling sugar cane. Lynn also writes articles about sugar cane modeling in the Australian publication Narrow Gauge Down Under.

LarryR :thumb: