Sudsy's 28mm Mayhem...


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2018
Sure, I've got a thread in resin right now about this...

...but I think I need to start in Mixed Medium as well.

I just got some great pewter parts that I will mix with resin parts on miniatures. These will fit with my card stock vehicles on the table some day!

For starters, lets hear it for Pig Iron Productions and their ode to the Mandolorians and Ryan Flowers Galactic Tactical armor!


I have heads of metal, and bodies will likely be of resin when they come in! Super Commandos? Bounty Hunters? Who knows. I will keep everybody posted as things get built. Tabletop disintegrations likely to follow!
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I used to make white metal molds. What a pain in the butt that was to do. These figures really do spruce up a model when added. :)
So, I mentioned getting parts in the mail when I posted my Mk I Dreadnought build... Here are some of the parts I just got today from Mad Robot to go along with the Pig Iron heads to make my Mandolorian/Colonial Marine inspired bounty hunters.

You will find Mad Robot Heavy CDF armored legs and arms with CDF Torsos. I also threw in a bionic arm for good measure. Fun parts by the way... Very suitable for using with the big companies Guardsmen...


Disintegrations forthcoming! Though, with the way I roll dice, it will be my guys disintegrating!
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I neglected to get pictures of the Mad Robot Miniatures rocket packs on the first two guys... But I had to share this guy.


I suspect he might lose his head in the future however...
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I used to make 'Pot Metal/white metal" molds. Incredibly difficult work. Those molds do produce millions of parts though, but they cost a lot to make, well done, you make a fortune on them. High quality parts, minimal, if no flashing, that means fresh molds. Very nice!!! :)
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Newest edition to the gang is 'Lefty' carrying a 'focused heat rifle' (Mad Robot term) or 'melta' (GW term) rifle. This is the teams anti-armor specialist, as this weapon is deadly against tank armor. Incidentally, it tends to get used to breach armored doors and mouse hole buildings more than taking out armor. Such is life as a bounty hunter!

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I think this batch of hunters is ready to disintegrate some targets and not bother the 'or alive' portion of the bounty!

Just added a sniper to the team to round out the capabilities!


All mounted up on the classic GW bases, with the 3d printed tops, and ready for priming and painting!
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So, I will have to find these old pictures in the previous posts...

In the meantime, please enjoy the current painting progress! I am pleased with the nearly completed first two of my bounty hunter team, the rifleman and combi-shotgun/flamer (breach, burn, bounty.... Ooops, you said 'no disintegrations', nothing about roasting into ash....).


Pictures of the shotgun/flamer forthcoming...
So, I've been busy, just not documenting, my latest 28mm project. I post this part in Mixed media because it combines our bread and butter card stock (Patoroch designed WH40k vehicle) with some of my own 3D printed parts using PLA. I was asked to build this by a game group friend of mine, and so I'm obliging. Given the 'comission' status, I haven't posted much about it, and won't put out too much until it is in his hands...

This is the treads and side sponson (bolters) of a Macharius Super Heavy Tank. Instead of opting for cutting out the paper parts, I "cheated" and created a model of the tread units individually in FreeCAD (a nice open source 3D parametric model suite) and printed off about 100 of them. This is more than enough. No worries, they might provide greeblies for use elsewhere!

If I had to do it all over again, I might make them a hair shorter, but treads never lay flat anyway. There is always sag on the top, and some bunch on the front of the vehicle anyway. I think they look sharp! Trusty wood glue holds the PLA (corn sugar plastic) to the paper just fine (as learned on the scout car a few months back).

Wow, when you can post pictures that big of parts, you know thisis going to be one excellent model. Of course, you reputation precedes you. ;)
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This Fighta Speeda was a real multi-material effort... Paper Ork Fighta template (Patoroch design), deodorant container, glue stick container (hey, those are cool tubes with built greeblies on the end...), some 3D printed parts, and top it off with some Ork Buggy bits mounted with magnets! Of course, this came out much larger than I antipicpated... Bigga is betta an' more orky!



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