STS-1 in 1/288th

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Active Member
Mar 16, 2004
st. paul, mn, usa
Here is my build of Alfonso X. Moreno’s model of STS-1. Alfonso's model comes in 1/144th scale, but I resized it to 1/288th. (My display space area is limited....) Here are the details:

External Tank
The ET body was built stock, but I added plumbing, wiring, cable trays and scratchbuilt the Orbiter Attachment Fittings and other small details. I drybrushed the ET’s surface with white paint to replicate the rough and patchy look of white paint over the spray-on insulation.

Solid Rocket Boosters
The SRBs were built pretty much stock, except I added joint and stiffening ring detail from thin strips of white and black card. I scratchbuilt the cable tunnel down the sides, and I added detail to the lower skirts, including the structure for the booster hold-down posts, the thermal curtains and the separation motors.

A goodly amount of scratchbuilding and deviation from Alfonso’s instructions went into building Columbia. I beefed up the payload bay box with strips of balsa to keep it straight and sturdy, and internal bulkheads were backed with cardboard. The nose involved a lot of shaping and test-fitting to get it to the proper shape. The rest was built pretty much stock; there is a lot of pre-shaping involved to get a good fit. I beefed up the OMS pods with internal bulkheads. The kit SSMEs were used stock, but I substituted Alfonso’s one-piece SSME bases for the more detailed (and complex) bases that come with the MARs Center Fortezza shuttle; it comes at 1/100th scale so the bases were shrunk to fit. These SSMEs actually gimbal.


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This is a damn fine model! I love the shots with the Saturn V. Very well done! :)
This is a damn fine model! I love the shots with the Saturn V. Very well done! :)
Thanks. The Saturn V is Bruno VanHecke's Saturn V in 1/300. I resized it to 1/288th, corrected the markings and added scratchbuilt detail. And I added insulation batting to the F-1s, since every F-1 that ever flew had the batting.
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Great model. "SonOfAGun" just posted an excellent Beta Build thread of Alfonso's/AXM's new Falcon block 5 model. Seeing the effort was well worthwhile. The first build of the final rocket should be very interesting.

You've posted before your feelings about build threads, but you just mentioned a lot of details that cannot be appreciated by words alone, in the end,, your model looks like a stock build of the model you were trying to build, and this is sad, I understand, from experience, but a picture tells a 100o words. It's a lost opportunity. IMHO.

Your model looks superb, but everything you make looks superb!!! ;)
Great model. "SonOfAGun" just posted an excellent Beta Build thread of Alfonso's/AXM's new Falcon block 5 model. Seeing the effort was well worthwhile. The first build of the final rocket should be very interesting.

You've posted before your feelings about build threads, but you just mentioned a lot of details that cannot be appreciated by words alone, in the end,, your model looks like a stock build of the model you were trying to build, and this is sad, I understand, from experience, but a picture tells a 100o words. It's a lost opportunity. IMHO.

Your model looks superb, but everything you make looks superb!!! ;)

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You are a top tier modeler. People like to see the hands of artists doing their craft. :)
@SonOfAGun2501 :Your build thread is one of the best examples of how to post a "Build Thread". You explain everything, you interact with the the other members, you don't set yourself above, but you stand out.
You can't do stuff like that of your own volition, you either are that man, or you're not, you are, your membership enhances this forum.. :bowdown::bowdown::bowdown::bowdown::drinksmile:...................................:hide:, "I agree!!"
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Like I said, noted. I'm not sure comparing one member's way of contributing to another's way is constructive. Nor is it constructive to indirectly accuse a member of setting himself above others. It certainly gives me pause. There's no technique I use that isn't in Cardmodeling 101 and if somebody has questions about something, I've ALWAYS endeavored to answer any questions. Stuff like this I why I never bothered posting anything about my Saturn V build. I knew I'd be scolded for not having a build thread. I went out on a limb posting my STS-1 build and, sure enough, I get scolded for not having a build thread....

Again, you misunderstand what I have written. A person who excels in an ability is not "better" than anyone else, they just excel in an ability. The members of this forum, (hopefully including you) for the most part understand this, and relish reading the ins and outs of someone who has mastered his or her skill set, (we have some excellent women designers and builders. I have not met one person on this forum who think they are "better" than another member because of the skill of mastering of their interests. This forum allows virtually any medium used in model making. It is a level playing field, and what you bring to that field determines your experience here. Asking for details, so that others can learn is not scolding, it is the Administrator of the forum trying to help the forum grow and blossom by encouraging, not scolding, members who's skill set is such that others would benefit from seeing it.

What you are experiencing is what you brought to this level laying field. I do not think that you are "better" than anyone else in anything, as a person doing things does not make you better. To have to actually have to type that down is inane, and absurd to me. That you cannot differentiate that this forum is built on people sharing, experiencing this journey and final accomplishment together, rejoicing together in the end, not the just viewing a finished product of someone's effort seems quite short sighted to me. This is not a place for people to have their work gloated after, but at the end of a build thread, at the end, the accomplishment is felt by thousands, and that is what you can do, affect 1000's of people, and have them vicariously experience your experience.

What is wrong with that? That does not happen here, you will not find one primadonna. Many well respected members, but we got rid of the primadonna many many years ago.

I'm sure by now, you interpret as scolding, and you would not be far off, depends on how much your paying attention, and understanding what you are reading. I've P.M.'d you, we have gone back and forth, and the reality is that just posting finished works is not going to get you many views, and if you don't care, then why are you posting them?

I have known you "virtually" for more years than I can remember. Something has changed. The idea the you expressed about one person being "better" than another because of their skill set is something you brought with you here, it is not tolerated, nor is it endorsed. Congratulating someone on what they have achieved as their personal best is another issue completely. You have a masterful skill set, but are not "better" than anyone else here.

If you cannot tell the difference, then it is on you. You posted your comment openly so I reply openly. If you would have sent me a P.M. again, I would have tried to explain that this is ZEALOT.

I do not believe there is any other member on this forum that thinks they are "better" than someone else because they have glued some pieces of paper or whatever together. Our membership is one that shares and communes, and supports each other. I am writing down common sense observations that anyone who read the many of the posts on this forum, instead of just posting their own pics, and never making a comment of support to another member, would see glaring back at them a live community. You have chosen not do do that.

How about this:

"You need to learn, or spend time finishing the openings of your portals or windows, as you leave too much paper fiber sticking out" (and that's true, by the way), and the trailing end of your Space Shuttle is ridiculously thick, maybe it is a lack of understanding aerodynamics, and representing them in such a manner, maybe you if can't see that, you have much to learn. I won't go into the other glaring faults of the seams and whatnot of your model, but, like I said, you brought this to the table. I could explain in great theory how to make a correct wing foil shape for anything that flies, and correct what may be an oversight on any model. I have helped 1000's of people on their designs. I never want credit, and request them not to give me any. Don't think for one second that I don't have the knowledge. That does not make me better than you does it? So I praised your work, because I do think it is a nice model, but, ask yourself, do you feel "better" now?

I invite you to leave this forum. Take you haughty snide attitude somewhere else, alone with your "pause", this kind of common sense should flow readily. The attitude you display, and how you post is not wanted here. You stand alone, in that regard. You are not the person I knew many years ago.

If you chose to stay, and participate, I would be elated, otherwise, know that you will never be "better" than anyone here, or anywhere else, for that matter.

My Lord, to believe that one has to actually type and express this kind of common sense, state of being, is really mind numbing. Please, go.

Senior Administrator
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