Solar Car & Sandman Car from Logan's Run

It's been a while. It's good to see that you haven't forgotten about this gem from Logan's Run. Love the interior.:bowdown: Very simple. Looking forward to the build, when I can make the time.:)

Sky Seeker
You are welcome! Sometimes good things need some time. And since I am still coughing I thought I could at least prepare these kits for testing now. :)
I am looking forward to trying my hand at building them!
I have to say that I need to go back through and rewatch the movie and series again.

Alright, this gave me some very important views at the inside of the vehicles. Apparently the Solar Car featured a bench and no seats in the back:

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It looks great, only thing I can think of is the steering wheel its not centred with the front seat.
It looks great, only thing I can think of is the steering wheel its not centred with the front seat.
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Seriously, I deal with those things on the canvas in Corel later. The SketchUp file only serves as a guide to check the basic geometry and to get the proportions right. I think all elements are there. Next steps: Scaling down, unfolding and texturing. :)
@Rhaven Blaack provided me with a big bag of reference material (thank you very much! :) ) which gave me some ideas to flesh out the cars. I noticed a roof support (two beams) inside the Sandman car and two triangles on the front window of the Solar car which are used in only one episode. Obviously the seat configuration of the Solar car changed during production. In the pilot episode there are four seats and in the regular episodes the two rear seats were replaced with a bench, obviously done for filming reasons in order not to hide any passenger behind the front seats. So the passenger could move position towards the middle and the camera could record everyone in one shot. This will give you some display options. In addition, I have found three more items which might come in handy for a little Logan's Run display which I have put on my list. The first is the bombing shelter sign and the second is Rem's suitcase. The third is, well, something special which immediately grabbed my attention because it reminded me of a robot from another franchise. Stay tuned! :)