Searching for a missing sheet of La Seu de Manresa

I believe you will have to trace those from the cut outs of the windows in the walls of the cathedral. They are nowhere to be had.
Just a proposal: Go to google picture search, search for the missing file ( La Seu 5 transparències.jpg ) and you'll get a small preview of the missing page. Click on it and the preview will get a bit bigger. Save this picture, enlarge it to the original size (637 × 626 pix) and trace it to recreate the texture of the parts.

Maybe this helps:;637;626
I resized the preview image. It has to be edited a bit to increase the quality. Hope this helps! :wave:

EDIT: Attachment removed because the original file has been found.
The author has a contact email address on the main page. In my experience catalan people are overjoyed when foreigners like to learn about catalan culture, so he'll probably do all he can to help you on this. I also bet the problem is the accent.
jheerazob & all,

I've alreay emailed to the email-address on the main site and in that also thanked him for the free models.
I'd suggest all downloaders to do the same.

True, but rather strangely when you use the link without the accent, it actually gives you, where "%20" is the code for space, and "%e8" is the code for "è". This seems to match the original URL exactly! Some weird oddity in the web server, I suppose.

Today I played around with the URL to the page.
It is: didactics/la_seu/La Seu 5 transparències.jpg .
But should be: didactics/la_seu/La Seu 5 transparencies.jpg .
Note the difference.
Neverhteless: don't forget to thank the site-owner for the model!

WOW! I find that very informative and intriguing. I wonder how many models I thought where available but came up "404'd" were because of this reason? This is a very important piece of information. Maybe the site owner should be notified? Very good information gentleman.

To AlanG, great to see you here!! :)
To AlanG, great to see you here!! :)

Thank you, though I haven't really been away - I look in fairly often. It's just that I don't often have anything interesting to say, so I don't say much. ("It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, than open it and remove all doubt.")

Fool is a word that could never be used in the same sentence with you. I am happy you look in now and then Alan. Been working on anything? :)