Santa House build


Oct 5, 2013
Hello everyone. I posted pics of the Santa's House calendar, I did last year for Christmas, for someone who meant everything to me. The house is back in my own hands and will be getting a cosmetic revamp and a hearty sprucing up, so that it's a redux that I can count as my own, and enjoy. Its in the Pics and albums section with descriptors. Thank you all.
Hi, McGee!

This is a very beautiful build! I like it a lot, thank you very much for sharing these pics with us. I'm looking forward to seeing the upgraded version.
Thank you Revell Fan. The Pics actually do a much better job of pointing out the flaws and cosmetic blunders, than are readily obvious to the eye when just looking at it. Thank you for the compliment very much.
I think the fixes and the upgrades will really help to tighten it up and take it that extra few steps.
Crossing my fingers that all goes well. :)
One thing I forgot to mention in the descriptor captions on the pics, was to add that all the white paper window sill boxes inside the windows, will be recovered with wood grain paper strips glued over top of those white sills, so it looks more like wood window casing..more correct and better finish, and the wood grain complimentary of the other colors.
The real trick is that, all those shadow box sills were put in place before final assembly, and as you can see, there are alot of upstairs windows, and that hole in the ceiling of the first floor, does not allow my hand, so all the wood grain paper sill strips will have to be dry fit and bit cut and finesssed into place through the window openings.
A whole lot of ship in a bottle type of stuff...but borrowing from Rhaven's signature..."If it can be thought of, it CAN be done"
At first I thought, "What house, where?", then I figured it was in your Gallery. I've taken the liberty to post a link to it. It is beautiful!!

I love it. I had to post a picture so that others might follow the link to see the rest of the pictures. Hope you didn't mind. Here's the link to McGee's album:

I do appreciate and thank you Zathros. I wasnt sure how to post or show it, so I just defaulted to the pics section. Thank you so much.
I know we can all attest to how each, in our own modelling can find a dozen glaring flaws and cosmetic shortcomings, that others either dont notice, or at least mind at all, like the person who did the modelling, so I appreciate the positive feedback.
I will post pics of the Santa House Redux when it's all revamped and spruced up.
Hey McGee, I think I found your avatar's baby photo! :)


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HAHAHAHAHAHAAHA....That was actually my twin. The family would actually let him sit upstairs with the rest, at holiday dinners, because he was the handsome one.
Dude, you really make me laugh. You are such a great addition to this forum! Thank You, for being YOU! :)
hahahaah. Hey Im glad to hear that.. Im glad to make people laugh. They say that laughter is the best medicine, but if that's true, then my broken foot should be healed by now, because im finding people constantly laughing at me....or maybe at my expense. either way, right? haha.
Thanks so much for your very kind words and great attitude.
You and everyone Ive experienced here are very kind and generous souls.
Aawww, shucks! :)
One more in the crowd...

hahahaah. Hey Im glad to hear that.. Im glad to make people laugh. They say that laughter is the best medicine, but if that's true, then my broken foot should be healed by now, because im finding people constantly laughing at me....or maybe at my expense. either way, right? haha.
Thanks so much for your very kind words and great attitude.
You and everyone Ive experienced here are very kind and generous souls.


You are truly a great addition to this forum, but then again, we all are, each in his/her own way. But I've gotta hand it to you: your spookish funny avatar and your good mud are a special treat for all of us who read your posts/threads (althoug your avatar really fraks me out, sometimes... :rolleyes:).
Thank you for being here!

You all have noooo idea what a good hearty laugh I get every time i read a post that addresses the horrific nightmarish specrte that is my avatar. Had I planned holloween this year, and If i would have had money, you can all bet your last dollar that this avatar is exactly how i would have made myself to look.

Here's something I want you all to be amazed at. Im posting two pics here, of a character that was on the first season of American Horror story. The character was Pepper.
If you watched it and you know the character and the actual actress then you already know... but if not...well...just look at the complete coin flip.
FX makeup is amazing.

remember.....same person.
Admittedly, I have a huge school boy 'crush" on Naomi.. have for awhile.
My avatar and her character dated back in the sanitarium.


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Hey McGee, I think I found your avatar's baby photo! :)

I'm changing the avatar pic only for the day.. only because it's halloween, so in the spirit of that (pun intended) I figured I'd give everyone a break...but on Nov !st, I take off the costume and go back to my 'normal' self again. hahah
Hey Rogerio.... Yep... that is Naomi Grossman. If you do an image search and typ in her name. many of the the pics that you will find, are pics of her with fans presenting her with fan made artwork of her as Pepper. and there are also pics of her in the makeup chair going through the transformation.
Pretty amazing that it goes from what she really looks like, to the Pepper character. Yep......reallly dig her a lot. She's actually got a lot of stuff she does with acting, directing and theater. If you have Facebook, type in Naomi Grossman in your people search. You'll know you have the right page because her profile pic is artwork of her Pepper character, in front of the American Horror Story logo.

happy hunting my friend.
Wait! HOLD!!!

Are you saying that the character on the first pic is played by THAT ACTRESS??? NO, no, no, no... REALLY? Do you think there's a "making of" video of that transformation anywhere?

I just sent you a pm with the video of her transformations. 2 different vids.