Remember the BIG hole?


Registered Member
Dec 17, 2000
Once there was a big hole -- now its a lift off.
The lift off section now has scenery and is in place behind the water towers.
At the rear of the layout are profile boards ready to be filled in with rolled up newspaper then undercoat plaster will be added.
These boards also lift off so I can reach over if needed.



Hey Shamus - Definitely an improvement! What do you think of making interchangeable covers, like a lake or a something, for when you want a change of scenery?
Bill K
Oooo, Bill K! You just gave me an idea! I don't if anyone has thought of this before...but it's probably not an original thought. But what about making a layout with liftout sections that can be interchanged. I mean, like you can change the era by lifting out sections with "older" buildings and replacing them with "newer" buildings. And then you can bring out the newer locos and rolling stock. And when you want to go back to 1900, just switch out the sections!

(I'm thinking, too, that you could have a section of forest in an earlier era that could be replaced with a "developed" area...hmmmm....)

Those steps?


Tis looking good. Real good.:eek:

But a question for you. The steps of the logger's cabins? Hand made? or components? My handmade steps are a dog's breakfast. Any hints? taa.