Problems downloading files



Do not post any passwords in this thread. Some are having problems downloading files, this will be the place to discuss it. When it comes to UHU, do not post his web address or Passwords. There will be no further warning on this. I would advise the extensive use of Private Messaging, P.M.'s, to discuss details.
re:problems downloading

To whom it may concern, as some of you may know especially Zathros bless him for his patience I've had problems downloading from Uhu's new site, I've narrowed it down to finding out apparently the site he has the newer model files uploaded to either doesn't like Verizon or its my Ip address. My solution to the problem was to use an Ip masking program, the one I used is called Hide IP Easy it works well with Fire Fox, this was my solution it slows down the download but it works if someone has a better solution please let me know. :thumb:
This is a good solution, and I know it was a real problem for you to figure out. You did though and that idea had never even crossed my mind. It's definitely in my cache of "tips and tricks" now! Thanks! :)
which hide Ip address program are you useing it sounds like it might solve my problems getting onto fiddlers greens web site. Best I have ben able to figure is some sites have problems with high speed access and look at them as DOS attacks due to thier speed of requests
Here's the link to the software I just really started with it but it does mask your IP and country of origin, it seems to work well withe Fire Fox though good luck.
That's one of the main reasons I use Firefox, all the plug ins and it's compatibility to so many programs. :)
I should also add that if your going to download a lot of files such as Uhu's big baby model you might look for a plug in for Fire Fox called download them all since the IP program kinda slows down the downloads it helps to use this for models with lots of pages.
my only problem is with fiddlergreen none of the computers in my house xp to windows 7 and several differnt browsers cant access fidddlersgreen website. The site pings fine but refuses to answer page requests only thing i can think is causeing the problem is my high speed access, if anyone can think of any other cause be glad to hear what it is
my only problem is with fiddlergreen none of the computers in my house xp to windows 7 and several differnt browsers cant access fidddlersgreen website. The site pings fine but refuses to answer page requests only thing i can think is causeing the problem is my high speed access, if anyone can think of any other cause be glad to hear what it is

I can suggest this for Windows 7, go to control panel, network and internet, under network and sharing click on view network status and tasks, on the next screen click on troubleshoot problems, on the next screen click internet connections, when the small window pops up click next and after a few seconds you will see another screen that will ask about connecting to the internet or a particular web site, click the one for web sites and enter the address for Fiddlersgreen and it may detect the problem. I hope it helps sometime it works and sometimes it doesn't I don't think it's the high speed I have Verizon Fios high speed and it lets me in, by the way I failed to mention the hide ip program does have a free trial.
Has FG ever worked for you? I have had similar issues at times and sometimes its a bad routing table entry with your ISP. If you havent cycled your home network in a long time you can try that first (I dont know if this will really help but its a good troubleshooting step for strange connectivity problems) then after that contact your ISP and let them know the site you are having issues with and make sure they dont have it on a blacklist for some reason. If they dont they made need to flush their routing tables.

Two questions - when you ping do you get

Who is your local ISP? maybe someone else in your area can confirm the problem is local to your area/ISP.
Those are some really nice FREEBIES and I would also like to remind people to check out Chris Gutzmer's shop ECardmodels, where many of the people we know sell their works. It's the outlet for our website ZEALOT and sister website, It is good to see friends sell their models and for really inexpensive prices.

yes I get when I ping fiddlers green i had been able to access the site, only computer change that I recall since I last accessed the site was upgradeing to road runners highest speed conection. He did have a note acknowlageing ppl were haveing problems with his site with IE but my guess is that he thinks that, because IE sends an email to the web host when you do a trace throught IE to a site you cant connect to.also internet is set to allow any port and I could not find anything in my home router that would block it
Thanks Zathros :)

Snark, since you tried multiple browsers I doubt if its cache related. I would still go with checking with your isp.

I got a buddy in florida- I will see if he has road runner. That will help us determine. Try to slush your dns:

open a command prompt - start -> run -> type cmd, hit enter

type ipconfig /dnsflush

see if that helps - sorry I dont know your computer skills so I apologize if you already tried some of these things.
ISP blames it on the site and a Xp machine I have cant get it either. All I can figure is the connection speed is triggering a DOS attack defence
You can drop Chip an email too, I highly doubt its due to your OS or your high speed. That sounds like an easy excuse from your ISP. In todays world of high speed net everyones got it. Chip could contact his webhost too.