Photo contest and you are all invited!



Sorry to come over here and spam you guys but I am looking for participants! I dont know if many of you check out our card area :)

New contest all! Please note - I removed the website address as I dont want it published on the net.... If you would like to participate (or even think you might) shoot me a pm and I will send you the web address. Iposted it on the web in a few places last time and several adult oriented spammers started posting comments......
Thanks and hope to see many of you there!

Hello All!
I am starting up a new photo contest today. I hope you guys come and join in. They will be much shorter – about a month (give or take) plus a weeks of voting each – the winner gets to pick the next contest topic! The rules are much more lax this now J

If you participated before you will need to come register at a new gallery. I needed something with a bit more oomph and this software seemed to work out better. Here are the rules and first contest info! Please let me know if you have any issues as I am just learning the new software…..
The new address is:
(removed for security -please PM for address)

Contest rules
The way it works....
1. Each contest will run for approximately four weeks followed by one week of voting
2. The winner of the previous contest gets to pick the next contest topic
3. You may enter photos you have taken at any time - they need not be taken during the run of the contest
4. Some photo editing is allowed - however please keep this in check as we prefer pictures to be more real than edited. Running though a one step filter of any kind is allowed.
5. These contests are for fun only - no prizes are to be awarded unless we have a special annual contest including winners from each month.
6. You may enter up to three photos in each contest for final judging.
7. Please only vote for photos that are not ones you entered in the contest
8. When voting choose your favorite 3 photos. Give your number one favorite 5 stars and second most favorite 4 stars and your third favorite 3 stars. The winner will be determined by most votes - if there is a tie it will be determined amongst those by the highest rating.

First contest!
Contest: Color
Colors somehow needs to play a dominant role in your picture. How it plays out is up to you! Be as creative as you like.

This contest will run July 21st Through August 21st followed by one week of voting - don’t vote early!
Just a note...I see you're from Sun Prairie. I lived in Madison quite some time ago...but I remember making a yearly trek to Sun Prairie to the GREAT corn was an event all us kids looked forward to. I hope it is still being carried I have every intention of going back one of these days...!!!
Hey folks - the first contest is ready to be judged :) If you want to come out and vote for some pictures it would be greatly appreciated! PM me if you would like the site address.