Pdf conversion problems


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2010
New York, NY
Hey there,
Sorry for the lack of model designs recently; just finished my final exams, and I've been doing a few pony models in order to keep myself active in the brony community. Anyways, I've run into a not-so-slight problem with converting SVGs to pdf format.

I've been trying to...well, convert my current design to a pdf. However, it appears to be copying only some things in a seemingly-random pattern. I'm not sure if this is just a bug in the system (I'm fairly certain it's not; seems to be occurring with primopdf as well), or if it's because the converters can't handle irregular shapes. I'd like to get help with this ASAP, since I really want to release this model within the next 24 hours.

And below I've attached a comparison photo; the converted file is to the left, the actual .svg to the right.

I've experienced similar problems too. In my case, when exporting from Corel to PDF.

After some time I found it was because I used certain gradients in some parts. That was enough to make a mess in the rest of the pages. I had to change the fills and the gradients, and after that the page was converted with all objects.

Maybe what is happening to you is a similar problem.
I've experienced similar problems too. In my case, when exporting from Corel to PDF.

After some time I found it was because I used certain gradients in some parts. That was enough to make a mess in the rest of the pages. I had to change the fills and the gradients, and after that the page was converted with all objects.

Maybe what is happening to you is a similar problem.

Yeah, I figured that it had something to do with gradients and opacities. It's gonna be a pain in the rear to redo everything though...
Ah well; beggars can't be choosers. Thanks for your help!
Alright, managed to fix the problem! Apparently, most pdf converters avoid transparencies like the plague; hence the skewed conversions. I had to manually redo the transparent parts, although some parts of the pdf were converted into .jpgs in the pdf.
Well, who'da thunk that I'd ever do a non-vector model? sign1
Alright, managed to fix the problem! Apparently, most pdf converters avoid transparencies like the plague; hence the skewed conversions. I had to manually redo the transparent parts, although some parts of the pdf were converted into .jpgs in the pdf.
Well, who'da thunk that I'd ever do a non-vector model? sign1
Even the original Acrobat has issues when dealing with transparencies and gradients :cry: